2 loads of oak. And second I was definitely a bit heavy on that one. Had the airbags at about 65-70# & she still sag'd a bit.
Because we at least appreciate the self deprecating humor of the ordeal. We've all done stupid stuff like that. Boogeyman.
It's been a while since I've had to haul any wood. It's just been cutting and splitting away at the driveway pile from the tree service freebies. While it's been nice to work from the house, I kinda miss getting into the woods.
Git out thar Man will do you Soul Good ! (like i got room to ramble burning funny little rabbit turds instead of Farrwood !)
Soon enough. When the ground isn't so soggy l'll be out there again. I've got a few cords in rounds to split and haul out. I've got driveway to reclaim and BTUs to restack once I build my wood shed. The way I look at it, I'm well over a year ahead from where I should have been with 5+ cords dropped off at my house for free.
I miss being in the woods too. Tree service freebies abound, delivered and free. I like that price! Corn-fed, Iowa bred.
First load with the new ms 362 cm, saw cut really good, it was the old man that loaded the wood that was overwhelmed