That's wheat, only made 2 bales p/a. Hoping the alfalfa does well on the 2nd cut or I'll be a little short on balege.
These are the only thing I gotta worry about keeping fed any more... Them dairy cows are too demanding...
Hope so... He will have eaten a thousand dollars worth of grain before fair time... When Hannah's done showing, it's freezer time... Hey, are you wrapping those bales individually? Or 1 continuous row?
I try to wrap around 200-250. Makes a good base in the tmr. The rest is dry unless the river finds it before I get it hauled.
You won't know what your missing until its not on your plate anymore. If there is one thing I miss about not raising livestock anymore, it's the world-class beef/pork. Just can't seem to even get close at the supermarket. I raised feeder pigs as 4-H projects for 11 years, between me an my brother, we had purple ribbons for most of those years. It was a blast. As I got older, I got into the carcass class (judged both on the hoof and on the rail) and that just confirmed what we already knew. You couldn't buy it anywhere near as good as you could grow it yourself.
Today's scrounge. Spent the afternoon cutting and hangin out with my dad. Filled both our trucks with some decent stuff. 3 tanks through the new 555 and she keeps getting better. I'm really digging it.
Nope. We never owned the farm, just employees/tenants. After 30 years, my dad changed jobs (different farm) and I no longer have a source for meat other than the supermarket.
Sad that the farm your family worked for 30 years and you grew up on still won't sell to you at wholesale
I understand that, but they still have that by product after you leave...can't throw you a bone once a year or something?