Couldn't agree more. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Thanks metalcuttr I have a lifetime supply of spark plugs. And a big-azz keychain courtesy of Chvymn99 I had a great time with old friends and new ones as well. You're all very special in my heart.
I will make sure whatever is left of that will not be wasted. Worry not! It is certainly one of my favorites.
Thanks yet again Backwoods Savage for hosting this many miss event! Thank you also to everyone who attended for making this one of the most memorable gtg’s at Dennis’ place! I think it’s safe to say a good time was had by all!
X 2 dirtdevil .... I had a Great time working with you and enjoyed the BS about BBQ and some your techniques ....especially playing with cooking the wings... Some excellent Brisket you had too.. huskihl ... Thanks for Keep the breakfast rolling on the Black Stone... metalcuttr .... Thank you for all your hard work, providing these wonderful pieces of art...
We were also serenade occasionally by this gray tree frog. He was in a fork of a tree atthe edge of the campfire circle...
A Thank Goes out to everyone for the GTG. I could probably give a special thank you to many, many folks but fear I might forget one person and that would be terrible. So I'll just say thank you for food and preparation, saws, just plain work to make the gtg run smoothly. The food that people brought was excellent along with the cooking that was done here by Chvymn99, dirtdevil and huskihl. Several came back to help with the clean-up. The best part of the GTG was no doubt the friendship and good humor by so many good folks. The last ones to leave will be my son and his friend who will leave this morning. We had over 60 people (I'm thinking maybe 66) attending (all were no in the group picture). Thank you Hoarders! It was my pleasure hosting these many GTG's.
Also I want to thank blacksmith for the 10 pounds of apple sausage. It was delicious and disappeared quickly.
Oh yeah! He is one of the nicest guys on this forum. Thank you Joe! btw, he even cleaned some dead limbs off my roof. I have basically stopped going on roofs. Thanks Joe.
We talk8ng about blacksmith...nice, great dude, one of the best on the forum??? WTF I completely agree, as good as a man can be!