Good question! I do like wood. If I was going to get one I might go with a 45-70 "guide" gun. Like the looks of the Marlin 1895 guide gun.
that was my thoughts at first and the Grey poly is what really made me want it but I'm leery about what I've heard about their QC. Just wanting to FYI on others experiences.
I just sold a lever gun to my son. He wanted it worse than I did. A Savage 99C in 22-250. Rear sight is missing. I gave him the family discount. $1500
I have a 99 in .308. 22-250 is a rare bird if I recall. That's quite a deal you gave ! Need another son ?? Lol
He’s been after me for awhile to get his hands upon it. In my head I have to be fair to our daughter. She has no interest in guns so to be fair I threw the $1500 at him and he bit! 22-250 is very rare in a 99. The “C” means removable clip so you can fire pointed bullets in it.
Holy Moly. A Savage 99C in 22-250 just sold on GunBroker for $2627. I think my son got a deal at $1500 They are extremely rare in 22-250
Was in Walmart yesterday, walked by the ammo counter and took a gander. Something caught my eye, though I was reading it wrong.... Box of Remington seemed to say 360 Buckhammer. Had never heard of it before, so I looked it up. Seems to be mostly a lever action cartridge for now, and similar to the 35 Rem. Anyone use this round?
Not sure if you're set on a Henry.....
Yeah that marlin is ouch $. It was a couple hundred cheaper a couple weeks ago on psa. But it was still ouch then too....
I picked up another 30-30 lever last week. A buddy let it go for $600 cuz he wants to buy the same Henry with a side gate which this one lacks. Octagon barrel and large loop I suppose for a gloved hand? stock photo