Few pics from today. Had to give the chickens some room to move, their run is packed. And me in there for reference. Went for breakfast (no one was open) and took the camera.
FHC is a great place that places emphasizes helping others. It came as no surprise but was very appreciated. My neighbor came over and plowed me out. He's one heck of a guy and neighbor.
Thats what being a good neighbor is all about eh? He felt good doing it no doubt and youll remember his good deed in the future.
My shelter suffered a little damage. I cleared it twice through the night but they just aren't made for such weight and I had nowhere to put all the excess down the sides. Hope to patch it with some gorilla tape or similar. News reports showed many roof collapses all over, so I'm not complaining. Last I heard 20 people died as a result of this storm. Most recent tragedy reported a pregnant lady passed after shoveling too much. Very sad.
You got a soggy wet foot and 2 towns over we got 6" of fluffy stuff. Wow, kids were bummed it wasn't good snowman snow.
He's one heck of a guy and neighbor. My wife and I comment pretty much daily how glad we are he's our neighbor. He was real close to the people we bought the house from and he's since told us he was sweating bullets when the house was on the market. It's really a great situation for both of us. We help each other out constantly and it just makes life so much easier
Its nice that you lucked out like that. Im a realtor and whenever I have a house buyer that gets a chance to chit chat with a neighbor I encourage it and just step back and let them talk. Of course everyone's heard the saying you cant pick your neighbor but sometimes you get a good fit. He has even less control over who moves in since he doesnt get the choice. Happy it turned out good for both families!
Neighbor did mine as well, with blade on side by side, the entire 1/4 mile---of course I let him build a bridge from my property to his, no charge, gratis, no paperwork---it's what neighbors do
A couple pics from outside my sisters place just north of Philly, the last pic is near the Jersey shore, pretty sure this guy from Florida wishes he stayed home!!.........