Long ride shields was having a 70% off sale, I bought two. I'll get some pics tomorrow. My bike doesn't really get winterized. The colder it gets, the shorter my rides. I have had several 100 mile days which isn't bad for January and February.
The shield has a lip on the edge that helps the air flow. It works great. I still get plenty of air but no buffeting.
Rode the Superhawk to work today in hopes I had some slow time and would be able to do some work on it. I have 2 new res cups for the front brake and clutch, plus a clutch master cylinder rebuild kit. Nothing wrong, just like to keep up on these things. I recently rebuilt the slave and it was pretty nasty so this was next. Got it started but didn't have time to get a good bleed so I left it there (had my wife pick me up). I also want to flush the coolant and try out Engine Ice.
Yeah, saw that story. Attempted murder in my opinion. Some people don't like motorcycles. Stay frosty out there.
I saw that a while back too. IMO the video footage helped tremendously. I have a gopro and sometimes mount on the Hawk. I should put it on the helmet and record more just in case.
I wear a sony cam a good bit. Mostly for recording rides, but also for liability purposes. I am really wanting this setup so I don't have to do anything but turn on the bike and get continuous looped recording, front and rear. On my shortlist but haven't been able to cough up the dough as of yet. INNOVV Motorcycle Camera | Motorcycle Dashcam | Motorcycle DVR
If you find yourself at Woodstock Soapstone, or, just looking for a good diner for some road food for breakfast or lunch in Lebanon NH/WhiteRiver Juction VT, think about the 4Aces Diner. https://roadfood.com/restaurants/four-aces-diner/?utm_source=edm&utm_campaign=3_bites
Could have been worse! and the rider survived.......... They don't call them donorcycles for nothin...
They delivered my bike from storage. Too bad I'm sick and it's raining. Plan on riding to meetings this weekend though!