I have a 10hp Kolher on my 1973 JD mower that just refuses to die. It will run circles around the 18hp B&S on the Simplicity.
I have a Kohler Command 14HP single on my Skag for 22 years and it runs flawlessly. And I'm generally a Honda guy when it comes to small engines.
My parents bought an ariens gt17 garden tractor with an opposed twin 17hp Kohler on it brand new in 1984. That motor did suffer a failure big enough to have Kohler drive down the hwy the hour or so and put a whole new motor in free of charge its first season. I think dad said the lobes got wiped on the cam. That tractor since then was used for mowing several acres, collecting firewood and hauling a wood trailer made from an old pickup, and blowing snow with the front PTO on a 1000' or so driveway every year until 2 summers ago when they sold that house. Is sat since because they use the ATV for wood getting, and a neighbor plows the snow. Great machine, hasn't skipped a beat minus a couple hydro hoses, and a key switch.
I got a K series in and 70's IH CC. IMO they were top notch many many years ago. Have a 23-25hp twin in a 06. Cant stop the beast in the cut.
The Kohler on my dad's Gravely might actually be immortal. ..30+ years old and still runs like a champ.
I got a K series motor I think it is on an old MTD mower. Its 15hp. Burns no oil and still goes strong at the farm to mow. Its a great motor. No problem other than carbs, junk fuel and nuts vibrating off on the muffler. Its a 1996 model so its 19 years old now!!
10HP Kohler on the 1975 JD 110 at parents acreage.Built like a tank,loads of torque keeps on going no matter what.I've pulled a 1500lb log on the level,routinely have 300-500lbs in the cart going up the steep hills over to the processing area.
Problem with most under $2000 lawn tractors now days are the hydro trannies- non servicable and a replacement is is about 2/3 cost of unit. Couple places say they can rebuild them but that cost with shipping isn't any better. If you have a fairly level place they seem to last ok but if hilly terrain the trannies seem to puke at about 200 hours give or take a bit. My biggest problem is fuel destroying seasonal units from the inside out, storing dry and oil fogging helps but sooner rather than later it takes its pound of flesh.
I think that's what my parents is. 1984 opposed twin 17. The original one pootered out while only a couple months old, but that was in 84. That motors been purring along for 30 years since then.
My backup generator, the one I usually loan to people, was bought in 1968 and has an 8.5 hp Kohler on it. Since I inherited it I've had to clean the carborator once due to bad gas. Starts every time on the second or third pull and runs like a champ. It is heavy enough to be a boat anchor but is reliable. Not sure about the new ones, this is the only one I've ever had. KaptJaq
Well, I aint too happy with kohler now. It seems that they have discontinued the muffler and pipe for my 20hp vertical twin lunger. Not just mine either.............. there are quite a few Kohler motors that have had the exhaust section of IPB's removed, except to show the flange gasket and studs. A few years ago I was looking at a new muffler for about $200 delivered, now I cant even see the IPB of it. My muffler rotted off totally, actually started melting the sole of my boot Looks like I will have to cut off the rest of the muffler and see if the rotted pipe has enough metal left to weld or silver braze a fitting on to it, extend the pipe and fit a genaric muffler. I aint spending a ton of cabbage for a new motor just because the exhaust is NLA
I've got a Magnum 718K on my zero turn grasshopper mower. About 2500 hours, still going but burning oil now.
I'd probably take a stab at making my own muffler depending on how difficult it may be. At least then you can use a little heavier steel and incooperate a "muff mod" while your at it!
Great advice ............. except modding this muffler would be bad for the already damaged ears of this old man Didnt have lots of metal on the rusty pipe, and didnt have much time
I've got one on my dht 27 ton. It runs weird. I actually took a video awhile back. I'm gonna upload it to YouTube and then link it when I have time. It seemed to be surging or something. That being said my dad had a wheel horse with a Kohler that lasted forever.