Welcome to FHC Steve697 . You're right where you belong--with the rest of the firewood junkies! It truly is an obsession.
Steve, it looks like you've been pretty busy. I hope it has not been as hot for you as we've been having it as that really turns out to be work in this heat.
Yes my Wif thinks I'm a little obsessed also, but when it is cold and blowin, she sure snuggles up to the stove with a smile and says I'm her hero!
Hi Backwoods, yes been really hot here for the past month. Nothing a cold beverage and some shade can’t fix though!
Yes, I'm prepared... to save $2000+ on heating oil this year ...again... I feel like I'm stickin it to the man!
Exactly man we had electric baseboard heat hear and last year was our highest bill in 7 years that we own this house so when I remodel the house I said no more can't wait to give the utility company the finger this winter lol
Exactly what we did. Our levelized billing was over $400 a month with a fireplace, we took that out and installed a wood stove, haven't turned on heat in 4 yrs and now our bill is a little under $200 a month...
Beautiful set up man I grew up with wood heat and missed it every since electric heat to me is a cold heat and once it gets below a certain temp it's not design to keep up so this year it can get as cold as it wants I have it nice and toasty and it need to I will open a window and light up a cigar lol
Nice looking stacks Steve. Looks like a pile of saved money to me. You just can not beat coming in from the cold and standing next to the fire to warm your bones. My wife thinks I'm a bit obsessed but she also has no problem throwing more 4 year old oak in the stove.