On the way to work this morning, I said to the wife (we commute together) that I was considering an impulse buy. I was counting on her to talk me out of it ("Who needs 4 saws?!"), and she said instead that it sounded like a good idea. I didn't let that slip by me!
Thanks. I'd rather get the standard carb. Wasn't shopping for this size saw, but that's a sweet deal. Going be a beast compared to my ole cs2150.
I wouldn't own a saw i couldn't fix myself This is a good deal Once they're gone they're gone No more jonsered in the us The redmax branded one's are over 700.00 For the same saw.
Ordered the 2255 on Tuesday, found on my doorstep when I got home on Thursday! It looks good, I haven't run it yet. The chain is a Vangard style chain (low kickback), which I will run but will eventually upgrade that. It came with the bar, chain, scrench, manual, and powerhead. No original packaging, but it has never been run.
They are open to negotiate for large orders I know a guy that bought 10 of the 2166 Very good price he said.
I've been reading that where it was delivered to is an international shipping company and they take it from there and deliver it here. Since USPS only had the contract to deliver it that far, their job is done and that's why it said it was delivered. It sure would be nice if the seller or Ebay would confirm that. The original delivery date to here was from March 9th to the 15th, which would be this week. We'll see. I'd really rather the saw makes it here rather than getting my credit card reimbursed. I was looking forward to a new saw.
Put an outside spike on mine and a new total/tsumura 3/8 .50 that's what i run on all my Huskys and Johnny's.