Most are synthetic because their isn’t enough supply of the real casings for all the sausages eaten. Synthetic casings are much cheaper because the cost of the real ones are double and are used in higher quality sausages due to supply and demand. I know this because I’ve made millions of sausages in Australia. I don’t want to offend you but why are you so anti-whale eating? Why would it be “odd” to kill a whale for research and then use all of the animal? Killing a whale and then doing an examination and then dumping it overboard would be a crime. If you kill an animal you should respect it and not waste it. People who hunt for fun and leave the animal on the ground are screwed up people. Unless the animal is in plague proportions that is and you are doing a greater service. You are being manipulated in my view because it makes no sense. I would be pizzed off if the Japanese killed them and then wasted them because that’s essentially what the Europeans did.
The whale thing is a mess because we don't need to do"research" on them that involves killing them. That's been done for centuries. Yes, I see your point about that it would be wasteful to not put the whale to use. But I'll revert to my point that we know enough about dead whales already, and whatever while we can learn about them is stuff that can only be done while they are alive. They've been hunted to levels where some species are either extinct, some were very close to extinct, all because us humans were greedy. I studied biology in college, and nearly went into marine biology. I'm not being manipulated one bit. Science proves it. I don't have a problem with any whales being eaten if they were only injured/ killed by accidental ship strikes or beaching etc. Just ship strikes alone would probably handle what Japan wants. Humans are capable of doing a lot of really messed up things. Like the Donner party, or all of these crazies that blow up/ shoot people. It's what humans choose to do that defines them, good or bad.
I hope you can understand how the Japanese feel about this especially when whaling has been a huge part of their culture way before the Europeans ventured out of their little area of the world. Imagine if you were a responsible farmer and some outsider came and killed your livelihood and part of your culture through ignorance and greed. Then after this they had the arrogance to lecture you about responsible farming and about how your culture is screwed up? It’s like the greenies back in Australia banning back-burning and then letting the forests and all the animal habitat get destroyed in the next fire. Then they have the arrogance and audacity to blame the guys who were responsible and educated on forestry operations. The “save the whales” fundraising people are nothing but extortionists on peoples uneducated so-called feelings. They have fleeced the public and kept them dumb and been doing it for decades. It’s a scam and always has been for peoples cash they make the Clinton Foundation look like saints.
Science hasn’t “proven” a single thing yet and all scientists will tell you that. Science forms an opinion on the current available evidence that’s all science does and is meant to do.
Maybe peoples derision should be targeted to the shipping companies who don’t clean up their mess and be responsible? After all if this is true and most likely is, they are worse than these big bad Japanese scientists. You don’t see the hippies stopping the shipping conglomerates because they would get stomped
It’s similar to the US i think in many ways. But just a hell a lot smaller population wise. Possibly a little more isolated and smaller in mindset because of this. The US has far more great places to live IMO.
I don’t see a problem with eating an already dead person so I can stay alive and fight another day. Killing someone to do though it is of course wrong. Those who chose not to eat an already dead person due to some morality issue have a morality issue themselves in my opinion It’s committing suicide in my view. That’s just how I see this and can see the argument from their perspective but I don’t follow their religion either.
Holy cow Japanman ! Take a deep breath there buddy and back away from the keyboard! Almost seems like you were just waiting to lure someone into giving you a chance to jump on that soapbox!!! Regarding the choice whether or not to partake in cannibalism, I don't agree that it has anything to do with, even remotely, any suicidal tendencies or morality issues. I look at it as having a very strong set of values.
Some cultures eat dog and horse meat. Doesn't make it acceptable to those cultures where the practice is abhorrent. Some cultures found the keeping of slaves acceptable. Most of those cultures evolved.
Just because Vegetarians find eating any animal abhorrent doesn’t make it so. Just because vegans find that eating any animal plus eating cheese and drinking milk abhorrent doesn’t make it so either. And just because some cultures find eating whale abhorrent doesn’t make it so either. Dog same thing, horse? you get the picture. Eating caviar and fois gras is suppose to be the height of our culinary evolution too. You know force feeding ducks so their livers get bloated and sick. Caviar cultivation is equally questionable too. Some industrial methods of other animals are questionable as well. Whatever happened to the live and let live and don’t judge lest you be judged? Or have we “evolved” out of that too?
I understand what you are trying to say. If a vegan chose not to partake in eating perfectly good cheese due to their “strong set of values” and died of starvation this would be just as foolish and suicidal in my eyes. If your life has no value what does this say about your “values”?
That's because shipping is necessary in the global economy. There's probably ways to reduce whale strikes, and I'm sure they are working on more ways to reduce/ eliminate these. I think it's best to simply keep the controversial whale and cannibal topics off of FHC.
Not hard to understand really. Evolution says those you have these “values” in these “situations” choose poorly every single time. If people are too stupid or have their heads warped by some religious notion to die in these circumstances and not do what everyone is programmed to do (stay alive and breed) then good luck to them. Like my grandfather said (ex ww2 British army) “The object is not to die for your country but for them to do die for theirs”.
Yeah, OK. Curious.....when was the last time someone invited you on a camping trip???? (BTW, it is an American that is credited with the line your Grandfather repeated. And your Grandfather and many many others are the reason we aren't speaking German or Japanese. )
Yeah he repeated it as did millions of others what is your point exactly? I hope you aren’t also curious why there seems to be not many foreigners here. Just not worth the time with the snide chit one is forced to endure.
Do you get a lot of earthquakes in your area? We live on the ring of fire of the Pacific too. Vancouver Island which experiences a few earthquakes every year. When you started your renovations, did you have a local earthquake building bylaws to follow?