Holy crap. Ohio is going to allow rifles with straight wall rounds now. Straight-walled cartridges which are currently legal in handguns. Ohio deer hunters have used handguns with these cartridges for decades without incident. These are the only cartridges which will become legal in rifles. The ODNR Division of Wildlife maintains a more complete list. - See more at: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/odnr...iber-rifles-deer-hunting#sthash.TKnyu3tk.dpuf
The most impractical thing that I currently can say I jones for is an American Derringer M-4 Alaskan Survival. 6" barrel, 45/70 over .410 under.
Paul b, that hurts just thinking about it. Won't know till Monday, but I may have "impractical" thing on its way. And a Glock 19. Or both, don't know yet. At least I'll be done for a while, wife would shove me in a chipper if I got another one anytime soon. Just need more ammo....
I have to keep the wife and oldest girl from buying more guns. Every trip to a gun shop you're supposed to buy a gun according to them.
Mdavlee, that's not a bad problem to have my friend I wouldn't mind poppin a few rounds off with this bad boy from time to time
It is when they have more guns than me. I've never shot a 50. A 338 is bad enough with percussion to give a headache when shooting off the ground. If I get another it will be suppressed.
Ha!! Impractical Yugo PAP M92 PV on it's way! Showed the wife a -youtube- video with a gal her size popping of a few mags. Had the SB 47 attached and she liked it. I'm good there, thank goodness. The G19 is on it's way also. Glad I'm done shopping for a while. Need more ammo...
Off to the gun shop, got a deal on a gen 4 G26. Anyone else have one? I know this is the wrong thread, it's totally a practical pistol
I had a 19 and a 26... they are ok, but sold them and got a 23. Then bought a 9mm conversion for the 23 so I can shoot 9 and 40. 357 barrel will be on the way soon. I carry an xds45, its thinner and much easier to conceal than a doublestack 26/27 etc. a lot of people love the 26, for size, amount of rounds and easy to shoot effectively.
This is my first Glock so it's a learning process with this gun. Conceal ability was not high on the list but being a compact was. My hands are so big a lot of the compacts and subs (even with the extended clips for another finger) didn't work as well as a full frame. The Glock felt good in my hands and most likely an aftermarket grip will help.
what do you mean an aftermarket grip? Don't put one of those rubber band things on them.. the new gen 4's come with 3 changeable backstraps. If you aren't worried about conceal-ability get the 19, is has a longer grip but not as long as the 17. the 26 is chopped way down for a conceal gun.
here is a size comparison. 26 on the bottom, 19 in the middle and 17 on the top. 26 has a 3.5" barrel, the 19 is 4" and the 17 is 5". now in 40cal the same series would be 27 sub compact, 23 is the 4" compact and the 22 is the full-size. Exact same foot prints between the two (meaning a 26/27, 19/23, 17/22 are the same size).
I'll have a chat with the shop owner. But by the looks of things I'll probably stick with the 9mm G26 and do as you said with the backstraps. I'm basing most of this off a trip to the range with a buddy who had one and I immediately fell in love with it. I conceal with a high riding pancake holster strong side, typically have no problems.
here is the 26 with the 19 mag in it. its about 2 rounds, or a 1/2" longer grip. the barrels is also 1/2" longer on the 19. but I know being a super skinny chit, it is hard for me to conceal my 23 because of the extended grip length over the xds45. everything on me sticks out like a sore thumb no matter where it is at on my waist. I'm not a fan of appendix carry, but that is usually my best best with larger than pocket sized firearms. most times I have a little colt mustang in a front pocket as that is the easiest for me to disappear in normal weather dress. this time of year I could conceal an AR15 under clothing. lol
I'm not so familiar with the gun laws in Ohio, but I'm from Mass. A whole new kettle of fish when it comes to firearm no no's. A no no in this state is anything over a 10 rd clip unless it's a pre-ban gun. So the G26 I'm getting later today is a 10 rounder
we are gun friendly.... anything up to 30round magazines... anything over 31 becomes a "machine gun" by ohio law. lol. And its called a magazine... Clips are used on old military rifles where it is just a thin piece of metal that holds rounds to be inserted into the guns permanently mounted magazine.. "clip" is a hollywood term that drives gun enthusiast nuts.
I've always wanted a Thompson sub-machine gun. Completely useless (although I guess I could hunt deer with it now) but it'd be fun to have. An FN SCAR 16 or 17 is also on my impractical list. It's impractical because I can get an AR that does basically the same thing, with better parts availability, for a fraction of the price.
I had one in 7mm br....it was a cool gun a little impractical fer me..now i have a 44mag wit a nikon monarch sittn on top.....too many to name