Your 4240 is over 100-125 hp? Your loader must be able to pick up at least 1,500 pounds. I need a real tractor.
I would like a bigger tractor, mine is 35hp 4x4 hydro its great for what it is. It a nice gentlemen tractor. I would like at least a 65hp tractor and a JD 350 dozer.
The bales of balege I'm putting in the tmr mixer are 1700-2000# either loader tractor can pick up two. Wouldn't want to lift both very high things would get tipsy. It's no fun when the back tires leave the ground.
Around 50 hp is generally a good size to really start doing something. I'd rather have a backhoe than a dozer. I've seen what a guy can do with one. Handy handy handy.
I have had a few different sizes and brands. I had a JD 6400 4x4 with cab and loader, it was 85 horse, liked it a lot. Could not bring it from Maine to Alaska, but wish otherwise. Had a 3020 in Maine also it was 65ish 4x4 would have been nice. Traded the 3020 on the 6400. Would like a 3 pt hitch backhoe. A dozer here for getting wood, would be amazing.
I've put several hours of seat time in both of those chassis. The 3020 was turned up I'm not sure how much. It just seems to pull better. The hydraulics on the newer stuff Is impressive.
I only have a few acres, really don't need the big stuff. I want a little bigger tractor to deal with wood. And I want to cab with heat again.
Some fall moose camp pics. Putting camp up by my lonesome. Gotta love everyone that shows up after camp is up and leave before it needs to come down.