Doing well, for being at work. Have coffee, life is good. Like that square grinder you have. Was at the post office to mail a file and low and behold FHC server was down. Will get it done in the morning.
Rwj4 comes on an xt. Has the divider in it for stratos. So it puts enough mix into the engine from the bottom half of the carburetor. But with a regular xp boot, it all goes into the bottom. Rwj4 has a bigger venturi than a 394 has I believe
Good to hear, I am doing well Mike. Making the best of work. Probably should not complain about the job that affords me some toys.
The guys he buys race saws from are some smart guys. I know nothing like they do. I can only wish some day
Yessir. there will be days that flat out crazy. Everything is ebbs and flows. The Highway has been closed for the last week down at the BC- Yukon provincial border. A busy day is good, a bad day...not a good thing.
Just consider yourself forewarned... this all leads to many modified chainsaws, modified chains, and eventually to "race" saws with chains that have hours and hours spent on them. We're all sliding down the slope like greased lightning. lol
Funny statement right there. Was watching the videos from the link that Dallas posted yesterday. The wife goes is there more saws coming in the mail?....Maybe, sazs I.
lol wait until you have one or two coming a week when i was working it was hard for me not to buy as many as i usually do before i was keeping paypal busy i think in june or july i counted it up and it was over 12000 i spent from january
I will have more. I wont be 1 or 2 a week. No paypal for me. Having said all that, I have a 034 super and a 036 pro that run good, that need to run more like that 036 you had at Dave's. I have a older 036 that don't have the decompression that is suppose to have billet crank. Its a strong runner as well.
i like a 036 and grab alot of the ones i dont think are over priced i just rebuilt a tilly carb to try on mine right now it has a stock zama on it
I hear that. We just don't have a large population within 400 miles of here. Things can be sparse. Craigslist lately seems to demand almost as much used as new, like 80-90% of new. And they look rode hard and put up wet. The ones that looks good, don't last long enough for me to drive to get them.