Basically, forward lean, underside top plate angle, and a side beak make a chain more aggressive, or grabby. The opposite of these have the opposite effect
Round vs square is about speed. Square file is faster in the cut that the round is. I am a newb at this and am learning. I will let the others give good accurate explanations
Incase she doesnt like it there no more, we're fine people uphere. And if youre not moving into the big cities nice homes are affordable! Thanks pal, spend the last 13years hangin out with scotsmen, even lived there for some short time. They taught me..well id say its english. some might disagree. Yeah you might end up reading about chainsaws wearing stockings or summin like that. Which one you tried so far?
Never tried. As perfect as his written english is, i figured he was having it translated. But I've never used it, other than to see what someone else said in a different language. I only speak English. Most other countries, as well as the US now, are requiring a 2nd or 3rd language in school
So its basicly a pimped up square chisel? Ill read the thread about it and i got an old chain, give it a try.
She has lived there for 13+ years. She is an English teacher and has live in a handful of different towns.
Nice one, so theres at least a bunch of krauts who can speak english now. Did she ever told ye how much we love the TH in english words. haha - i bet zhere are some funny storys she can tell you. Awrite guys i got to boost, i need to do something for my money. Ill keep you updated on my filing! Thanks and see ye later.