Bucked on the pile this morning, the 026 I never knew what I was missing. That little saw is a wood eating monster. Warmed her up in the house, she started on th first pull, no choke. It’s crazy hot her 23+. Kevin it four strokes just like you said it would. No adjustments made.
The 441 square file was faster. I am looking forward to getting proficient with the square file and better results. I am happy with the progress so far.
Howdy all. Tom, did you try your tach on it yet? If not, make a few minutes worth of cuts and just take the air filter cover off and tie the tach wire around the plug wire once and just hold onto the tach. Should be able to get a reading on it that way once it's warm. 15-15.5k is fine I'd think. Just be mindful when you go from warm weather to cold weather it will be leaner
With his conditions up there, not sure if he was planning on keeping the tach on the saw. For checking, I just let my wire hang down by the plug and can get a reading, but he said it was bouncing around on him.