I can't complain too much. We got a good 6 cord outta that deal, so. All one side is beat 1/2 way. My hands hurt from all the filing I've done today. How's Rodney?
Sittin in my lawn chair checkin on everybody an enjoying this beautiful evening Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Just beeing lazy today, printing out all those old Husky Service Bulletins..... Need a bigger map to store them in and more printing paper. To bad we can't find them all, interesting reading
Good evening Dallas, Me chilling down, dr appointment tmr, he has something to work with ! How are you doing?
lol im 43 and have another 22 years of it been doing it for 17 years so far good thing is its only a few months at a time
I was a fool when I was 45-50 year old, worked between 300-500 hour overtime a year. Wished I could gone back