I think his video is great! Personally, I really enjoy spending half the day cutting a few pieces of wood with my dull chains followed by spending the other half of the day trying to get my wet wood to burn while the wife and kids huddle in the corner for warmth. It really toughens them up! I'm looking forward to more of his videos showing how I can maximize the effort I put in to tasks while minimizing the results.
Just imagine how long it would take that guy trying to cut up a cord of wood with that saw n chain I couldn't take that video
I made it to the two minute mark. I suppose my one click/partial view is gonna be considered an endorsement and inspire another shining example of expertise from that guy.
Awesome resource! I knew I was starting fires much too easily! This shows all of us how we can spend a half hour starting a fire rather than 5 minutes. Can we get this stickied so this valuable information is never lost?
Just not sure what my favorite part is, especially since I'm sure I missed a bunch (wasn't gonna watch that whole debacle but...! Is it? Within the first minute or two when proudly says "in a minute or two we will be burning this wet, green wood with snow on it". 42 minutes later he still is working and no closer to getting something going than before. How about when he states "to burn wet wood you need some dry wood first". Umm, yeah. (I bet he felt just like Isaac Newton when he figured that one out) . Or every time he uses the electric fan and all the smoke starts pouring into the room. Why he never simply closed the door to get the blast furnace effect going I guess we will never know but he clearly is no stranger to hooking hoses up to smoking things. Yah Mon'.