Thanks needed a good laugh. Dull chain, cutting little cookies, and when the squirrel fan goes up in flames classic. He showed us all.
Why have I been going through all this trouble to season my wood?!? This seems perfectly easy and not frustrating at all. And then when you're done you can sit back and get warmed up by the sparks.
HDRock, you had me laughing with the title. Basod, love that video. Never fails to entertain. One of those videos that could be a good comedy routine...ranks right up with the deer right of way video, and the beaver letters.
well there's 34 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Felt like I was watching Geraldo Rivera's "expose'' on Al Capone's vault back in the late 80's all over again. Still waiting for someone to smash him in the face again with another chair.
This is just what I needed to see after spending all day plowing, snow throwing, scraping, and bringing in some 2 year old Bourbon & Black Locust for the night. What an utter idiot.