Awesome score Brad. I'll like to have some more mulberry in the stacks. Though in this heat and humidity, Im not sure if someone paid me I would take a pile like that... Who am I kidding, of course I would!
That's a great score! I really enjoy Mulberry. I think it's undervalued as a cooking wood. It's my favorite to smoke pork with if I can force myself to part with any from the "inventory" that's for sale. Getting good at using a little bit of odds and ends mixed in with something like a soft Maple to run the smoker and get good results with minimal Mulberry in the fuel.
That will keep you busy for a while! Great wood too. I am done til Fall. It has been above 110F all week and fire danger is extreme. I'll have to live the FHC life though you and other folks on here!
Others mentioned their mulberry trees being loaded this year...I have noticed the same with the trees here, VERY heavily loaded with berries this year! They started probably a month ago and there are still some on there...unusual as its usually all over within 2 weeks or so.
Haven't heard back from the guy. Thinking the score may be history. I have to see if wood still there next time I go by.
Over the course of my chat with the guy he stated he was an artist and did wood burning. I may have to offer up some cedar cookies to him. They were at stand still with the tree service as they had damaged the roof, albeit very minor IMO. They're still responsible for it though. I've thought of trading a simple roof repair for mulberry.
I have a fair amount of mulberry in my stacks. I love it and am sure it will burn hot. Not going to say I found it the easiest to split as it was stringy for me. When it was first split, it smelled like manure but that went away fast.
I thought of doing that but want to have racks set up and have a couple confirmed (stay tuned) scores I need to get to first. One is my favorite wood type...can you guess what it is???
15 minutes ago ; it's still there. I drive by twice a day. No white Ford truck spotted and no tail-gate left behind.