In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

HHT-"New To Me"-P61>P61a-2 Install finally - Right Location Right Stove!

Discussion in 'Pellet Stoves, Pellet Fireplaces, Pellet Furnaces' started by don2222, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Salem NH
    Sounds like they would be the same. If so

    From an earlier post here are the EVL numbers for 3" venting I found.
    A rule of thumb equation we are using has been adopted by most pellet manufactures. The equation is called the sum of Equivalent Vertical Length (EVL). All of the above mentioned venting restrictions have been assigned EVL values as follows:

    1. Each 45 degree elbow = 3 EVL
    2. Each 90 degree elbow and Tees with cleanout = 5 EVL
    3. Each foot of horizontal run = 1 EVL
    4. Each foot of Vertical run = 0.5 EVL
    5. Elevations above 3000 ft with an EVL of 7 must adapt to 4 inch vent pipe.

    If your installation is below 3000ft, we would need to do some math. The rule of thumb equations is that if the sum of the EVL is 15 or greater, then the pellet vent pipe would be increased to 4 inch diameter pellet vent pipe.

    I have
    2 cleanout Ts -- 5 x2 = EVL 10
    2 90 Deg -- 5x2 = EVL 10
    3 feet of horizontal EVL 3
    15 feet of vertical EVL 7.5
    Total 10 + 10 + 3+ 7.5 = 30.5 so very close to spec.

    It probably would be better to go straight thru the wall then down to the stove, but the horizontal to the chimney is the same height as the present tile mantel! That would mean raising the tiled mantel and completely redoing the whole wall. Not a pleasant thought although it would be better for the stove in the long run. It does seem to work fine this way so far.
  2. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Salem NH
    Blower is a 135 CFM.

    Also I still want a heated basement and really need a heated garage to work in. I only turn on the garage stove when I really need that heat.

    I also have fans and registers which pull the heat up very nicely. I am not saying a furnace would not be good. It would be really nice.
    I did learn alot from fixing the Harmans which is needed info for me, si it worked out well so far.
  3. DexterDay

    DexterDay Administrator

    Oct 2, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Northeast Oh
    Plus the 45° off the stove and 2 ft of vertical inside. So add another 3ft.

    33.5' EVL. I still don't understand why you needed 4 - 90°'s?

    Why not just go up as high as you needed? Then shoot across? That would reduce 2 - 90°'s and your 45°?? That's 13' EVL right there!!! Takes you down to almost 20' EVL. The Harman will Thank you. That combustion blower is working double duty with all that restriction.
  4. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Salem NH
    I agree but moving the tile mantel up 5-10 inches and re-doing the tiled wall is alot of work!
  5. don2222


    Nov 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Salem NH
    Well Success at last with the right settings!
    The right stove in the right location with the right settings and the best wood pellets for New England climate!

    The temps outside yesterday afternoon warmed up to almost 60, so Harmy 1 automatically ramped down and turned off completely! Then it came on last night as the temps dipped to near freezing during the early morning. When I awoke, the Bedrooms down the hall were 68 Degs F, the Living Room and kitchen were 69 Degs F and the Basement was 75 Degs F. Now the door to the garage was closed and the garage is 60 Degs F. If I will be working there, I can turn on Harmy 2 and it will ramp up quickly with the new circuit board to bring the garage up to room temp.
    Pellet usage was approx 1 bag of pellets since yesterday morning, not bad. It was full of Cubex that gave more heat and definately alot less ash than the Green Supremes to scrape from the burn pot!

    Also think of the advantage of two vacuum cleanouts as double distilling! They keep the chimney clean!

    The ductwork fan was completely off, but the basement doorway fan to the upstairs came on soon after Harmy 1 to bring the heat up.

    The shed is 50 degs F, so the T-Stat on the shed wall connected to the Quad Contour can be switched on from the house before I go out there. There is a Hudson River West Point on the test hearth that I just installed a new graphite door gasket and a new ignitor in and it will be ready for testing after I get the room blower cleaned and lubed and put back!

    Harmy 1 basement stove settings shown as follows:
    Feed Adj = 4
    Mode = Room Temp = medium room fan speed
    Temp Dial = 68 Degs

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    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013