I'm still not convinced about the snow totals. Looking at the radar just now (1:15 am) the storm covers a small area and seems to be moving quite fast. The heavier snow area is actually shrinking but the lighter area is growing some. Overall the whole area has increased in size in the last hour but not to extremes and as stated, the storm seems to be moving quite fast and that would indicate smaller amounts of snow. Good luck everyone.
Looks like we got about 5-6 overnight . Bit of drifting . Hard to tell. It's not snowing hard by any means nor is visibility poor. Here anyway.
Kind of interested to hear the actual totals which should start to get posted now. A lot better than the doom and gloom of the weather reporting that always goes on. Myself, won't be getting much snow out of this system as it is staying to the south. The temps however...….. won't warm up until Fri.
Your up early yourself. I see a pattern here...a few of us have terminal insomnia, meaning no matter what time we go to sleep, work day or day off , we are up and at it after 4-6 hours of sleep. This works for me...especially if I can sneak in a nap We only have 3 or 4" here. Due the the weather folks predicting the worst possible scenario and hyping up the storm, most school districts made the call around here to close up today. This means that there won't be much school at all here this week, because now they are predicting closer to -30f with wind chills well into -40s and they often close schools nowadays for the cold of this magnitude. Funny thing is when we lived up north it would stay with highs of -20f and I don't recall schools being closed.
You guys test this one out and let me know what to expect tomorrow. Of course after it rolls across the lakes, which I don’t think are frozen yet I’m sure it will suck up some water. They are calling for 1’-2’, 0 temps with well below zero windchill and 40+mph wind. I can’t wait.....
From what l can see we've got 3-4 " so far. Visibility is down to maybe 1/2 a mile. Wind is stiff at 10-15 mph & it's drifting off the banks pretty good. Everything is closed, but not sure that was necessary. Stay tuned.
When we left town for the mine last night, there was a light skiff on the ground. As we started heading into the mountains, holy crap. The shop is about 3/4 of the way to the top of one on the back side from the prevailing wind direction. There was 2 feet on the ground that wasnt here the day before. Winter driving in the Canadian Rockies....good times. Lol.
looks like your local CBS affiliate is doing just fine getting everyone out to the grocery store... Seriously? Threat Tracker?!? Sheesh!
well, I'm staying home. No trip to Appleton. Lots of snow already. I'd guess 3-5". Worse part is its blowing really good. Its a light snow so my plowman won't have too many problems About time to light this mornings fire and think about an afternoon nap. Wife is away at a Quilting "retreat" with a friend of hers. I don't mind the snow at all. Looks like there will be snowmobiling for awhile. Took till almost the end of Jan. tho.
Cold front just pulled through the KC Metro area... temperature has already dropped 7 degrees since I got to work at 6.
I'm working from home on my laptop. When there are warnings all over saying don't drive if you absolutely don't have to, I won't. It's hard to quantify exactly how much we've gotten so far, due to the crazy drifting. I snow blowed this am agree filling my car and the gas can up on my liquor run yesterday. With 1-2" per hour of snowfall at times, I'd say a foot isn't out of reach with this supposed to last until 6pm tonight. We have to have gotten a good 5-6" so far. Right now it's starting to snow pretty hard again. Here's the view right out of my patio door.