My neighbor just bought a Husky self propelled- the guy that cuts his grass every third day. He said it has the Honda engine and was $135 less than the comparable Honda mower. He was a Toro guy thru and thru. Not any more.
We bought a used Honda with the variable speed drive this Spring and it has been great. It gets used most as a grass collector to mulch the vegetable garden and the bagger works very well IMO. It might be heresy, but i like it a lot more than the beloved JD SB14 it replaced after a couple decades of service.
Well the rear wheel broke off tonight while making the last pass. We'll see how hard a new wheel is to find and how much one goes for. Might be go time on a new to me mower.
CR, depends on if the Rep took them out to dinner and picked up the tab. Hate to say it, but they are more opinion than fact.