And along the lines of being in second place. Pulled up to a red light and this devilish wood thief has a load of my black locust in back. I just wonder where he found it
Drove by this morning. All the oak gone, but they are taking down some EWP. More of it and some hemlock on the ground. Stopped on the way home and got some pics. Some decent milling logs. 2-3 spars to come down yet.
Gonna grab any for milling? jo191145 wood box sure turned out good that he made from hemlock if I remember correctly
Incorrect! Youre getting old! It was buzz-saw who made the hemlock box. They'll go to his place as he is couple miles from me and the logs in our hometown.
Thanks for righting that wrong buZZsaw BRAD Sincerest apology buzz-saw! Awesome box you built Must be your lucky day jo191145 Must be getting late. Better go take my Metamucil and head to bed
You’re taking them over there or giving him the lead to go grab them? How long of lengths can you man handle into your truck when you run across such stuff?
The hemlock being smaller diameter i may cut 8'+ and drop off at his place. Some of the pine may require the two of us to load. Most of the time its whatever length the tree guys cut. Here they are longer so ill buck to manageable size. I can load certain size alone if i flip flop them to the PU. Weve gone together a few times. He has the big tractor with forks and grapple so all i have to do is get them there.
If we both need to take a run up there just reach out to me. Working a double today but would see what I could do to adjust schedules.
Rain changed my work plans today so bundle deliveries instead. Asplundh usually works til threeish so if i have time ill see what i can scarf up. The hemlock was 10-12" at the fat end so ill cut to 8+ and see if i can load. There maybe some pine that i can load. The only problem is the sap as they are green. Friggin messy stuff. Ill drop on the grass if i get any of them. If i cant today, ill have time Thursday or Friday. Doubtful anyone will take them for firewood and ill ask tree guys how soon its being taken away.
Sounds good. Just let me know if you need a hand. Not worth getting hurt over. My trailer is another option if that would make it easier.