I think there would be a lot less climate change deniers if politicians had never gotten involved in global warming. Below is a link to average winter temps of chicago from 1872- 2018. I took the the first 28 years and the last 28 years. of the top 50 coldest winters, 30% were in the 1800's while 18% were from the 90's and 2000's. compared to the warmest winters 6% were from the 1800's and 28% were form the 90's and 2000's I tried to crunch the numbers as fairly as I could. please post up if you find something inconsistent. Annual Temperature Rankings for Chicago
I don't believe in the climate crisis that the political left is trying to push. They want to use climate as a way to take from the poor and deny small business owners the use of older diesel powered equipment. Here in Oregon they want zero timber harvested and for everything to be solar powered. What a joke! If they had their way we would all be riding bicycles and paying 85 percent of our wages to support their globalist horsechit climate change agenda.
if both political parties switched their view on climate change, I wonder how many ppl would switch their view on it? my first guess would be a LOT!! I'd say well over 70% of voters.
Administrative Up to this point this discussion has stay pretty much AWAY from politics. People have been expressing their observations, experiences, & opinions. If it goes into a political pizz fight it might be time to close it down. KaptJaq
I was filled in by an expert, lets just call him Keith. According to him it all stems from all the rockets that are launched into space. His explantion was that they put holes in the atmosphere and "Anytime you put a hole in something, something is going to leak out or leak in" Gary
Any politics, just hit the report button. These subjects tend to go down that road, so do your best folks.
As I stand in front of my sawmill in slop mud on january 25 I would say yes the weather is goofy anymore and its raining again in the rain forest of SE PA
WRONG. That is not what I said. I said, "I am curious how you guys and gals answer. I don't mean to start a debate on man-made global warming, just an observation of your take on what your perception is of your local weather history." Look dude, what gives you the right to chastise me when you, apparently, have a reading problem? I mentioned MAN-MADE global warming in that sentence. Big difference. I looked forward to hearing what other people had to say about their local weather over their lifetimes and dozens have provided that info. It's hot enough around here anymore I want to leave in the summer. That is a profound change, a key one in my entire lifetime. That's the reason for the post on this forum that has members scattered all over. Now, you own it.
my apologies I'm not familiar with Wyoming or the high plains. I just did a search for annual temperatures of chicago and came up with that NWS page for chicago. I tried the same search for Cheyenne Wyoming with no luck. I did find this page though. If you scroll down you can see the coldest winters in cheyenne WY, and also the warmest. 2015 - Wyoming Annual Climate Summary pretty interesting, 7 out of 10 of the warmest years (since 1895) were in the 2000's and 7 out of 10 of the coldest years were all before 1924 edit: just realized your location is in your signature. missed it earlier.
Thank you I did not find much about up here either. I am also really interested in Denver and Boulder and Fort Collins, my ancestors/childhood/and adult life before Wyoming. No worries, I figured I could put in a city or zip code somewhere you were for Chicago. I still have daily/monthly vs yearly I can find.
Well, here is just one of my many links... Odd sites notice these data locations and the surroundings and how that can skew readings. Black top parking lots, automobiles, buildings and other man made structures, in the middle of cities and large human populations, etc, etc...I can’t believe these are entirely accurate for the application it’s being applied to... Premise: If global warming causes temperatures to raise then the polar ice caps would melt. If the polar ice caps melt, the ocean levels would rise. …and if the oceans rise that means….that they will rise so far that we will all drown! But let’s think logically… Assuming increased CO2 emissions really do cause raised global temperatures: If C02 emissions rise which cause global temperatures to rise… And rising global temperatures cause polar ice caps to melt…. Then raised global temperatures would cause more evaporation of water from our oceans… And more evaporated water would lower the ocean levels back down and would result in more clouds in the atmosphere… And more clouds in the atmosphere would reflect back more ultraviolet rays from the earth back into space… And more UV rays reflected away from the earth would result in……. …Cooler global temperatures! In other words, the earth is a balanced ecosystem that goes through cycles and rhythms with checks and balances that act as a huge global “eco-safety valve”. Any warming of the earth would trigger the very mechanism that would cool it back down again! As ocean levels might rise due to melting ice caps, so too, evaporation would increase thus lowering the oceans, keeping the right balance. Once the water in the clouds returns back to the ground, it would allow more UV penetration and thus increase the temperature, keeping and maintaining the earth in a temperature range that sustains life. Think of it as a huge global, geo-biological thermostat! Is this overly simplified? Sure. But so is the theory of global warming. And of course, one of my all time favorites:
I post up a link to the annual temperatures recorded by the national weather service dating back to 1872. and you post up a link to an "odd site" that is mostly links to a blog and a video about a glass of water from the 70's?? and some opinions??? come back when you have some factual information.
I think your odd site is a little out of date. here is the quote from the home page. NEWS Updated 07/30/2012 New paper in process, see details here NOTE: Surfacestations.org gallery server has received heavy traffic and some attacks in the last 24hrs. The online image database aka gallery server site has been put into safe mode to secure backups and make it more secure.
here is a clip of fox business admitting global climate change is real timberdog. you can skip to 1:34 if you don't wanna watch the whole thing.
I did. And I think I am leaving this world in a better state than it was in when I arrived. My only regret is that I will not be here long enough to see if we started a trend towards more responsible stewardship of our home planet. And the work I did was not funded by the government but by companies trying to reduce cost through efficient resource management. Being able to put a GREEN sticker on it slowly became a plus for the marketing guys. KaptJaq
I don’t go to politicians to look for my main authority to tell me what is “real”. But that’s just me. The climate has always and will always be in a state of constant flux. That is the nature of the beast. But I was addressing “global warming” not “climate change”, two often conflated terms.