ole, I assume you did not know he was going to leave the guns to you? Surprised if he had never mentioned it to you...and I can see how you would be overwhelmed. Yes, cancer sucks and has taken way too many people from us. I'm sorry for your loss.
He never told me he was doing this. Had no clue. Had no clue he was sick either. Vietnam Purple Heart Vet never complained about anything. Never. He was having problems swallowing and went to Dr and was dead 5 days later. Inoperable tumors on his liver, stomach, and esophagus.
Wow, that would be major shock, not knowing. Hard.on family like that, I.have to wonder sometimes though if it's better on the person than the worry. Never an easy thing, but thankful that he's not suffering.
At bare minimum they are worth a spot on someone's shelf because they are old. Dare I say antiques? I was left a few guns and ammo by my late dad. I finally collected most of them the other weekend. Anyone have a 303 British or m1 carbine? I've got a lot of one tire of cartridge that I am not certain what it is. I'll need to stay a thread on that. There's some non descript markings on the cases and the boxes.
No on the 303 or m1. But would love to have an m1 carbine. My uncle had one...my sad always talked about how he could shoot that m1, and he IS NOT a rifle shot.....
Sorry for your loss. My friend Roger passed He had no children His wife had my friend sell his Firearms. 100+ He's sold about 80 so far. There's still a Les Baer 1911 and several Kimber 1911s Plus some sweet S&W revolver's left I'm making a will so my friends and family Get my firearms.
My grandfather left me an antique over-under. I was under 18 when he passed and my mom made sure I never got it. I have not forgiven her for that.
That's terrible always honor last wishes. My friend Tim was working with me And got a call his grandfather passed Away At the hospital. Before Tim drove 20 miles home to clean up and head to the hospital His and his grandfather's home were next to each other. Cousin's he'd never met and to this day has no idea how they knew he had passed. Had ransacked his grandpa's house It was aweful They took everything of value In the house Vintage Winchester shotgun collection's Rifles and some handguns. That was willed to his children and grandchildren They never recovered anything. I invested in a good safe soon after that happened.
Traded in my .357, 5 shot sp101 and picked up new Ruger MK IV Lite 22/45. I got tired of ammo cost and the .22 longs are still very reasonably priced. I couldn't help myself, I already added grips, fire sights and a muzzle break.
That kind of crying is far too important to be compared to babies. Peace be with you and your family. Also good luck with the inherited goods. There are plenty of folks out there who will volunteer time and effort to ensure it 1) gives appropriate value to the ones who inherited it and 2) ends up with someone who will use or appreciate it the way your relative did.
They have used the State Dept as back door gun control by banning all Russian ammo, and firearms. The ban cuts off any and all NEW importation permits effective Sept 7 and is in place for a minimum of 1 year. The ban "could be" lifted provided Russia makes the proper ammends, but yeah... not holding my breath. It does not effect existing permits and I'm not sure if they are based on a quantity of product or something done yearly/monthly etc... In any event it's just more and more and more authoritarian government intrusion into the lives of American citizens. I best stop there....
I failed to mention why I capitalized "NEW"... All pre-existing permits are still valid for whatever the duration is and are not effected, that of course did not stop the prices to more than double the already inflated price shortly after the announcement. Hopefully they will just ship the components somewhere outside of Russia and have them made there to get around it. In any event I'm 90% set to reload anyway (glad I bought dies a year ago), but I need more brass and don't have 123gr bullets as they are nonexistent. Naturally the price of brass is now .50-.90c ea. Compare that to the last case of Russian steel x39 ammo I bought 189.00/1000 so .19c ea for loaded ammo.