In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Gun advice

Discussion in 'The Game Room' started by DaveGunter, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. DaveGunter


    Oct 5, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Far Away Ranch, Meadowbrook Forest
    first, I'm a total noob to gun

    I bought a Rossi that has interchangeable barrels, I believe this is a youth model gun that is intended to be used to introduce a young hunter to multiple gun types without a huge investment. It has:

    20 gage shotgun barrel modified choke that is 22.5 inches

    .22 caliber rifle barrel that is 18 inches

    .243 Winchester rifle barrel that is 22.5 inches

    I bought this gun for several reasons. It's simple (single shot breech) and small and had sling attachments, making it very easy to carry in the woods while I'm out with the Hounds with the intention of being able to dispatch varmints, mostly porcupine with the shotgun barrel as we encountered them.

    The other big reason was that it came with the rifle barrels should I ever feel the need to start using them. I tried out the rifle barrels, target practicing, with very limited luck with the sights that came with the gun. So I'm considering adding scope(s) but don't know the first thing about scopes and have no idea whether it is possible or advisable to add them or even whether it would help.

    Am I wasting my time? Am I likely able to ever become proficient with this gun as a rifle?

    Does the design of the gun (interchangeable barrels) just make it inherently less accurate?

    If I bought scope(s) for the rifle barrels, could they be used with future (dedicated) rifles should I choose to go that route after getting used to rifles with this gun?
  2. lukem


    Oct 4, 2013
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    I don't know anything about that particular gun, but whenever you change a barrel there's a chance it won't be lined up exactly the same as it was before the barrel swap. Adding optics would help, but again, swapping the barrels might cause you to loose your zero.

    Guns are tools, and you should choose the right tool for the right job. A tool that can do many jobs usually isn't great at any of compromise effectiveness for flexibility. What are you trying to accomplish with the rifle barrels? Are we talking squirrels at 20 yards with the .22 or varmints at 500 with the .243?
    FatBoy85, Chaz, brenndatomu and 4 others like this.
  3. Horkn


    Dec 17, 2014
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    SE Wisconsin
    IME, use the. 243 for Porky's. 20 gauge are a little light for them and you need to waste too many shells on them. I don't even like a 12 gauge for porcupine. I also like to make them not suffer too.

    Are there provisions to mount a scope on it?

    Is it like this?
    Rossi Trifecta Single-Shot Combos : Cabela's!
    FatBoy85, Chaz, brenndatomu and 4 others like this.
  4. lukem


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Depends on what you are sending down the tube. A high brass waterfowl or buck load would be more than enough to dispatch them quickly. A low brass 7.5 target load would be a little light.
    FatBoy85, Chaz, blacktail and 5 others like this.
  5. HolsatiaRedneck


    Nov 9, 2017
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    DaveGunter I wont dare to give any advise, though i recommend a combined like a sauer3000 or anything similar for your need.
    I hope some of the boys can help you with your problem. Good luck.

    Edit: Savage has something called Mod 42 or Baikal IZH 94.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
    FatBoy85, Chaz, brenndatomu and 4 others like this.
  6. Horkn


    Dec 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SE Wisconsin
    True. Usually when I've seen Porky's while with a shotgun, I've been out grouse hunting. So 6-8 shot 2.75 " is what I've used and not a 3.5" goose load.
  7. DaveGunter


    Oct 5, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Far Away Ranch, Meadowbrook Forest
    So If I add optics to the rifles, use them, get used to them etc and add a new gun (tool) in the future...the optics can be transferred to the new gun?

    Yes that's the gun and that page says there is a way to add optics.

    I've used #6 shot for the porkys, usually very close range and they go down pretty quick, I'm in the middle of nowhere with lots of room around me but I still don't want to be shooting a rifle round up in the air without being confident I can hit what I'm aiming at.
  8. Horkn


    Dec 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SE Wisconsin
    Yes, you can transfer scopes or other optics to another gun.

    I've taken a number of Porky's out. 2-3 12 gauge of bird shot will do it most times, sometimes 1 shot works. But I recall one where two of us shot probably 10 rds total. It didn't want to fall from the tree branch and we were determined. It's not like any of the critter was going to be put to use... For us anyway.
    FatBoy85, Chaz, brenndatomu and 5 others like this.
  9. chris


    Oct 9, 2013
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    SE WI
    Personally along those lines of a single shot break open I would be inclined to pony up for Thompson Center Encore platform or the G2 Contender ( part of S&W nowdays)platform which supports 22 rimfire as the Encore does not. Both these start life as a pistol but have carbine accessories or can be gotten that way upfront. Plenty of slightly used barrels in many calibers available- all most always some at various gun shows including complete units. heck I think there must be a least 30 different calibers ( likely more) including 20 and 12 ga Plus Black powder 50 cal. all for use on the G2 frame. The Encore frame is heavier duty and supports the high pressure Rifle cal. such as 30/06, 7mm mag on up to some real shoulder dis-locators. Warning these are addictive similar to chainsaws. Plenty of support around also unlike the Rossi. I do not recommend the Savage over under 22/20 ( there are other cal. configurations but same issue) as the two barrels generally seem to not launch pills in the same direction for what ever reason. Never had any Rossi units, have a Savage unit and an assortment of Contender units. Burned a lot powder in competition plus smithing just for an idea of where I type from.
    FatBoy85, Chaz, DaveGunter and 4 others like this.
  10. metalcuttr


    Jun 12, 2018
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    western WA
    Hey DaveGunter I think your Rossi is a fine starter gun. By all means put scopes on the rifle barrels and try bench resting them for accuracy. Perhaps start with the .22 to get the basics down. They may surprise you. The fact that the scopes stay on their respective barrels is a plus for accuracy. I have a Handi Rifle with 3 barrels in 22-250, 7.62X39 and 45-70. They are cheaply made but still manage acceptable accuracy and I have been an avid benchrester. Your Rossi is probably better quality than mine and the Thompson Center, cited above, better yet. Your 20G should be a sure killer for Porkys with BB field loads. Probably most importantly, Get a good friend who is gun knowledgeable, or a local gun club trainer, to ground you in firearm safety and shooting basics. You will have a lot of fun with your setup and, if you stick with it, will graduate to other firearms and maybe keep the Rossi as "My first Gun". If not, then you still have 3 basic capable, calibers to play with. Be safe and have fun, whichever path you follow!
  11. Beetle-Kill


    Nov 23, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Near the Divide, Colorado
    DaveGunter - I've got a couple Rossi .243's, single shot , break action. They are no frills, but functional weapons. Yes, Weaver bases are available for mounting optics, surprised they weren't included in your purchase. My .02 on this-
    -20g. - it is what it is. If you're hiking with it, have a heavy load in it. You can always switch to low-base if you see a grouse or something.
    -.22Lr- Mount a 2 MOA red dot optic, you'll love it. Lot's out there, I have a few "Primary Arms" 2moa optics on .22's, everyone loves them.
    -.243 Win.- A decent 1 x 4 or 2 x 7 scope would work for everything. I have a Burris Fullfield II 2 x 7 on one of the .243's.

    Optics will help you enjoy shooting the rifle barrels more than the open sights. Since they're barrel mounted, point of impact should not change much when swapping barrels. Just remember, they're not tack drivers.
    Chaz, brenndatomu, metalcuttr and 4 others like this.
  12. Sourwood


    Jan 4, 2018
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    Popcorn, IN
    I have the 12 gauge and muzzle loading combo. I have found they shoot well with the Banner scope I have, but each season they need sight again.
    FatBoy85, Chaz, DaveGunter and 2 others like this.
  13. Horkn


    Dec 17, 2014
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    SE Wisconsin
    My dad had, and presumably it's mine now if I claim it a Savage model 24 with a 30/30 on top and a 20 gauge below.
    I'm not a fan, the biggest buck that I've ever seen while hunting came out of the woods just enough right before close of the season for the day. I was young, actually the first buck I ever shot at my first season hunting. It hid mostly behind a tree, affording me the only shot right at the base of it's skull at the top of the neck. I hit the tree with the 30/30.:headbang: Maybe it was nerves? I wasn't that far off, and had it have given me a tiny bit more of a shot I would've had it. I also still should have grabbed Dad's scoped Winchester 100 in .308. He was in the hunting shanty with me. He would've gladly let me use his gun.

    So yeah, needless to say I don't shoot any rifle at big game that doesn't have some sort of optics. I'm not a fan of open sights ever since if I don't need to use them. I've gotten a lot better at using iron sights over the last 30 yrs, but I know what I prefer.
    eatonpcat, Chaz, DaveGunter and 2 others like this.
  14. chris


    Oct 9, 2013
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    SE WI
    Iron sights for me is a bit of a problem- seems I can see them when the unit is not at working position but disappear ( the rear one) when brought into play ( buck horn style) the peep sight types get all egg shaped and fuzzy. I can use red dots but I prefer the smallest dot I can get, to much refraction( flare) if I have other glasses on. Scopes , again for me, later in the day I have to refocus the cross hairs. All this is very annoying to a person who has spent the better part of his life in competition with arms of all descriptions.
  15. HolsatiaRedneck


    Nov 9, 2017
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    Yep thats the downside of it - not using slugs at all so thats maybe a different situation.

    Has it a settrigger? i find combinations got usually a brutal pull if you cant use a settrigger.

    Would you advise steel ones or alloy? Any particular brand?
    This one comes with an alloy pica-rail straight from the factory, no problems so far with it.
    But i heard of problems from others with the factory one - as soon as they replaced it everything was fine.

    DaveGunter handi rifles are fun - this one is in .308


    Good ole Drilling - 16/70x16/70x7x57R
    Distance was 90yards, with settrigger.

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    Rope, blacktail, eatonpcat and 2 others like this.