Called on account of ....blizzard spent the afternoon splitting the red oak at mom's. just a skiff of snow on the ground when I got there and had nice weather until 3:04 pm 3:07 pm it was like someone turned the lights out ... and then, all h3!! broke loose I don't think Diesel was too impressed 3:09pm
We were getting in the truck at 3:12PM Ruger had a stick, had no idea it was snowing sideways The back of my legs and shoulders were already getting wet from the blowing snow sticking to me
It took us 35 minutes to drive the 4 miles home from my office this evening. Local roads closed due to accidents all over Johnstown, had to detour twice. You'd think it had never snowed here before.
Just talked to the seller 22 ton huskee from TSC, 2 years old 6.5 hp Paid $1200 new used 2 times, split 2 years worth of wood to heat his home selling home and down sizing $500 meeting at 1:30 today cash in hand