I have a tree service client that makes good money, but he looks very tired. He's in his late 50s and looks much older than that. Tough on your body.
Jack, by now I think you've gotten a fair amount of good advice. There are way too many costs and risks associated with this type of business. I've had five businesses I was involved in at one point or another. Had three at one time. Worked 7 days a week for six years and had worked 70-80 hrs a week for 16 years. It is not easy. Any romantic thoughts have to be tempered with good judgement. Risking your health, money and potentially your home can be nerve wracking. Getting a startup loan will mean you will probably have to use your house as the collateral. Unless you have the income from another job to get a loan, you are putting a lot in jeopardy. The ROI could take years after you count all the costs of doing business. I believe about 80% of all businesses fail In the first three years, and 90% in the first five. I was one of the lucky ones a couple times. Once, it almost sent me into personal bankruptcy. Please, consider the cost of your health, age and temperament to deal with stress and conflict with employes and customers. I'm not trying to discourage you. Just want you to look at this with both eyes open.
Yeah...that is my life. Long hours and high stress. Wife works and complains, but she has no idea of what it's like in my chair.
I have every sympathy for you. It's great when you're young, but it screws up your body and brain and is no fun when you get older. There is always a toll that has to be paid in this life.
It's like rock climbing everyday.. your muscles never get a chance to rebuild,,, for years.. That's what drives you to become a smarter climber and keep on the latest climbing gear and rigging.... Gets you out of the tree faster and safer... It is all and all a very rewarding thing to do personally... What decisions you make determines if you will be coming home or not... I think of all the trees I maybe climbed that almost were going to break in the last major wind storm but didn't... Now your tied into a working crotch that your life depends on so you can move about the tree canopy... lot's to think about.
LOL! Make sure you have your big boy pants on first. Once the battle starts, you must be committed. Some days the sun will shine but you'll have to be able to weather the storm. No more clichés I promise.
Jack,,, maybe you'll try it and find out that surprisingly it's your calling... It is a nice thing to look at the tree , and then come up with a blue print in your mind of the farthest point of the tree you need to get out to for your work... You then look at that point and to where would be the best crotch to put your working line in so as to allow you to sit in your saddle at the furthest point of work, being suspended from above , and not to the side.. To the side will make you work unstable and wear you out... So there are some interesting things to visualize... leaving lowering points to get all the wood down safely, and leaving yourself a way out of the tree at the end, not cutting off a limb you needed to lower yourself or some wood...It's like taking a puzzle apart correctly and efficiently... it's what makes you a better climber... Good lowering point but week limb for the weight you want to lower, then you run a loop runner or your lowering rope though another heavy supporting crotch first, then the smaller crotch that's over the good lowering area... Lot's of cool stuff for your mind to think about.. So give it a try , good luck and enjoy yourself... I'm sure you'll report back about how you felt about testing the waters.. It's something you'll never forget....
I wish anyone the best that enters into a new venture. Best to toe in and not quit their day job. No reason a person can't do weekend tree work till they get a feel or build up a base.
You may need a blessing from the state in the form of a license and various other legal requirements.
Some states you need to be a Certified Arborists....I saw many spiking up trees during pruning operations,,,shame on them! Removals only! Those are the ones with no knowledge...removing too much growth and not making proper collar cuts either...