spoke too soon I guess a cuke (cross country) is sprouting they make decent pickles and relish picked small
Just went to the GH to cover the stuff for the night. Still getting down to 40 at nights, no heater, just heated soil boxes Go a new cuc pic
FWIW, IMO, they are a bit to wet , I wouldn't water them for a few days . I have trouble with cucs too, usually me over watering , rot off right at soil level, now I keep them just damp with better success. Looking good so far though.
They were very wet !!! They were still glistening from being bottom soaked for the first time. Cells were quite dry and the 6 packs very light. I have a small watering can but I don't use it much beyond getting cells of dried out potting soil wet enough to start wicking from flood soaking or hitting an odd ball cell that has dried out ahead of the rest in a flat. With no humidity cover on the tray they'll dry out pretty quick again. Planted three flats today between rain showers so I've got room now to separate mixed flats. I don't normally have 1400 Wave petunias. Ball reps send new seed colors / fusible combos out to growers to experiment with. Buyers usually don't want anything that's not in the Ball catalogue so with no interest ( no push/freebies either ) these plugs were going to be tossed in the trash. I took them. I was supposed to pot up the few I wanted and destroy the rest. I celled them all. If I can get them to plump up I can donate a dozen or so flats to a local garden club for a Spring raising money sale. I only need 16 of them for 8 hanging baskets for hooks that are on a fence that borders my driveway. I have a feeling my yard is going to be very pink this year. Probably should be pinching the blossoms off to push plant growth. I may experiment with one flat to see if it makes a difference. These are supposed to be early bloomers. They sure are.
My early lettuce has sprouted outdoors!!! Amazing how a little thing like that can make my entire day. I am all smiles.
That's not a garden, that's a Farm. Wow ! You must get a big crop out of a garden that size ! You sell at "Farmer's markets" ?
LoL...Well it is quite big (almost 80 x 80) but it allows me to spread out the rows. So I can take my big tiller through them. I'm kinda of blessed in thats its my neighbors garden. I've basically taken it over, since he's gotten old enough that he doesn't plant much any more. The soil is about 30 years in the making, some awesome soil. I can quite abit, give a lot away, and sell Okra to the lady down the road that has a fresh produce stand.
I miss growing tomatoes, peppers & cucs out in the garden, a lot less work. In the GH , constant watering & limited space means I can only grow a few. Okra, tried it once, about the only veggie I don't care for. We freeze lot of stuff & can a few things.
Got the garden kinda of lined out tonight. The neighbor has got the 50" with the two arch's in it. He's trying something new this year. Then the first two line will probably be Tomatoes and the last two will be Okra. The the last space will be two more arch's of cucumbers and the rest of that line will be a variety of peppers...
Turns out, 3 strawberry plants in containers made it through the winter. I spent this morning cruising the Amish greenhouses for a preview of stock. I picked up a couple more everbearing plants and a gift for a friend. It has been raining off and on over the last couple of days. This afternoon I took a stroll out to the back and found 4 wild ones have appeared...Oh, Happy Day!!!
We have a patch of wild strawberries in the field where I stack the firewood. They only produce teensie weensie little fruit, so I pretty much ignore 'em.
I'll cross mine for ya' too. I made the mistake of letting my wife use the tiller a few years ago, and the strawberry patch we had in the garden went bye-bye. I now plant in raised beds.
Wow bill. I don't dare put out maters yet. I might do some lettuce this week. Some kind of melon in the craters?
4 craters is yellow zucchini and two craters is green zucchini. I won't put peppers or melons, pumpkins out until the peonies bloom. Planting tomatoes when the early lilac blooms has always worked for me. I don't have a soil thermometer . Can't get carrots and beets to sprout this year. Last year something ate them as fast as they sprouted.