The garlic seems to be doing well and playing hookie tomorrow to do prep and get the cold stuff in. Definitely puts me in good spirits
Good day of hookie...70 degrees, got the upper terrace prepped, hauled 15 yards of mulch home for the walkways and got the taters in before it was pitch dark...4pm ibuprofen is wearing off time for some more Peas, carrots, parsnips, kale, radishes, beets and chard going in in the morning.
Thanks! Still building it up but its come a long way since I first built the terrace in 07. Could have played basketball on it then.
Tomatoes and peppers are in the ground and holding their own. I'm going to try to get some seeds planted this weekend before I loose another week to a road trip for work.
Nice looking gardens everyone!!! I'm going small this year as I'm going to be needing to so some backhoe work near my normal garden spot, then relocate it. Just a few Black Zebra Tomatoes and Jimmy Nardello peppers for me.
Getting the raised beds ready Compost added to top of the beds. Planted some radish & spinach seeds few days ago. Onion sets for salads went in today. Planted onion set for winter onions 2 weeks ago Pic of garden 2 weeks ago
Tested the chicken wire fence around one of the gardens by putting out some broccoli, collards and spinach last weekend. No nibbles, so maybe it is keeping the rabbits out. Saw a half grown one early one morning on the lawn. Peas don't seem to mind the cold. 2 days in a row, no fire in the wood stove. Maybe it is Spring ? Greenhouse is getting full. Gotta plant some cool weather stuff to make room for tomatoes and peppers. Last year ( and the year before ) I had 1/2 my tomatoes and peppers planted first week of May. I may have to wait until Memorial Day weekend this year or almost. Getting a bit hot for the lettuce gutter gardens inside though.
Nice GH ! Guy near me has tomatoes 4' tall & lots of big fruit already. Heated of course (NG & a wood stove) Still frost in the ground here. Can't get a full spade depth before I hit frozen ground. But with these temp it's getting real close to planting time Got my starts in a bit late for an early planting season, may have to buy a few to get things going until the starts are ready.
I'm 3-4 weeks behind schedule starting plugs. I don't like to see roots swirling around in cells as potbounds seems to lose a couple weeks at transplant. I'll put a plug in a larger cell to buy some time and maybe set a bigger plant out but transplanting from a small cell to a larger one or using too latge a cell to begin with I try to avoid. Even on small scale like this, if nothing else it's a waste of effort. Swirling roots will ruin a fruit tree and doesn't seem too good for veggies either. Dunno why but I can't get cucumbers started. 4 different kinds, I'm on my second try and not looking good. Cukes are pretty easy to find starts though. the GH is only 10 feet long. 10mm lens might distort the length perspective a little
Mines 8 x 12 . Yea the root bound stuff from many box stores really stunt the plants production. I like the sweet success, from Burpee (parthenocarpic ) but I have to grow them in the GH so pollenating is a factor. I soak the cuc seeds for about 30 - 45 minutes then plant in just moist soil. (to wet , they rot) Soil is 75° (heat tape in the soil boxes). 5 days - typical germination Planted 9 seeds directly in the GH soil boxes, 9 sprouted & are still looking good. 2nd leaf coming on. If transplanting, don't bury any of the stem, like you can tomatoes. pic about a week ago: