Does anyone use a snowblower to clear off their garden after a late season snowstorm? Curious if it is worthwhile. Have about 8" of dense pack on in the yard.
Cracked open my last winter squash. It was a hubbard squash. Seeds were still in good condition. I'm drying them out now. Squash is baking in the oven along with the rest of dinner. Not sure if I'll grow hubbard this year or just stick to butternut and buttercup. Those two are the best tasting.
This will be my first year putting a garden in! Going raised garden beds 3 2x10 or 3x10's haven't decided yet. And in the process of getting seeds to start. I raise rabbits so I had put down manure in the fall on the ground where the garden is growing and I'll just need to work the soil and add some more to raise it up a bit. I'm looking forward to it growing!
Milled up some poplar for the raised garden beds. I'm not going to bother letting them dry I'll just slap them together and nail them and replace next year if needed.
I have a bad case of spring fever. Drooling over having a patch of grass, a couple veggies, and flowers (this will be new here). Tenitive plans to rent a ditch digger the weekend after Easter and a bobcat the next.
I'm in USDA hardiness zone 7a I never know if soil and air temps will allow planting out 01May or 31May If I had a low tunnel I could plant them in the ground now. But then I'd have to put my poles and cages up afterwards. Or warm the soil with plastic. I could probably start some tomato seeds now and they'd catch up to these by 15July. The elusive 4th of July first tomato. I do have peas up and onions in though.
What type of greenhouse have you, and how do you heat it? I have as solar space attached to my house that does a really nice job, but space is limited. My son's "plants" take up a lot of room. I also use a small hoop cloche. (4x12) The best plants were started when I used to use bales of mulch hay and lay a window on top. That hay would get wet, heat up and keep the plants warm at night. Also attracted a lot of garden snakes.
It's just one of those hobby greenhouses. 7 x 9.5. Aluminum and twinwall polycarbonate. No heat. I have power for germination heat pads and a fan. 50 or 60 half gallon juice bottles with water to help slow down the cold at night. Even with a shade cloth on the roof it gets awful hot in Summer. Needs more windows. Good enough for what I use it for. I'd like a greenhouse I could grow lettuce in year round and spinach in the Winter. When I win the lottery or run out of things to do.
Warm work in the Green house : Started some seeds, Zucchini , cabbage, broccoli, lettuce Cucs sprouted (sweet success) Planted tomatoes today: 2 Mat-Su Express, Early girl, Mat-Su Super-B, 4th July & Sun-gold Be putting the onion sets in the garden soon
Saw signs of a mouse /shrew / vole digging in the soil boxes. Would hate to loose plants to them . The would mean war.
Just came home from Lowes. There still are snow piles melting in the parking lot. But their garden center is going strong with Marigolds and other tender plants. Our temp didn't make it above 40 today. They had some big tomato plants for $15. I was tempted to buy one, but having done that in the past, it didn't pay for me to do it. Never got but a few tomatoes from those wonder plants. Better off waiting for the ones I have planted. plus, I won't be hauling home some disease from someone else's greenhouse.
Before the rain hits tonight . Helped the neighbor set his 11 Tomato plants. Plus I hilled my potatoes last night. Then the rest are onions and garlic.