you had to steal the tomat. that is truck farm stuff? bee problem here blossoms didn't set thin crop? what sin is ENVY? HAVE A DAY and a great Sunday.
the peppers and tomatoes are going great , the squash is coming along and this may be a record year for apples
I love those butternuts, unclefess!! That sauce is a two day deal. skin the core, then strain, then put the pulp in three crockpots to reduce them down overnight. After about 12-14 hours, it will be reduced by almost half, then add peppers, onions, garlic etc and pressure can.
Apples already! Well some are starting to be ready. Finally starting to get tge hang of pruning these trees properly.
Apples are looking good! I am just starting to get ripe peaches. The squirrels are trying to race me to them, they like to take the BIGGEST ones and take two bites then leave the rest under the tree. They have been snacking on them regularly, and I found a few places in the bean patch where they had a party and discarded the pits.
I hate squirrels. Only a few left here. . But the ines that do visit raped my pear tree. I did really good with the plums tho. Very tasty they are. Bears got the plums last year.
Yeah, I am waiting for them to ripen up, then will make some jam. Last year was the first year it got enough, and I made peach pie filling, and canned some cut up pieces. This year as good, but I should have thinned them, a lot are tiny little things.
I'm so sick of gardening I can't stand it. We had a bumper year on everything. Probably canned 150 quarts and froze 20 gallons of stuff.
That sounds like you had a great year... It's just a weird year for us. As long as my Okra stays strong for another month or so... I'll be happy...
Most everything is done here. Still getting peppers and watching the gourds and brussel sprouts grow.
Picked all of the gourds today. All that's left are the brussel sprouts. A few peppers are still on the plants, but don't know if they'll get big enough to pick. I'm tired of cutting and freezing them anyway and have more than enough to last until next year.
What a s#!++¥ day. Literally. Got done about 20 min after dark. Went to a farmer friends and got me myself sum good old fashioned fertilizer. 2 trailer loads 5x8 with 2 foot sides heaped. Probably about 3x the rated capacity of my poor trailer. Glad he had a bobcat to load it so my manure fork only had to unload it. Too dark for pics. I'm not sure would you work it in now or wait for spring?
In my opinion the best weed control is having a good plant canopy and mulch. Exposed soil germinates weed seeds like crazy. Also selectively leaving beneficial weeds to grow in between crop plants is great for the soil. I let dandylions grow freely, as they draw their nutrients from deep in the ground and not robbing it from the upper layer most food crops grow in. It stays compact and does not outgrow it's neighbors. Dandylion is also one of the healthiest food crops on Earth. The old leaves of the dandylion replenish the topsoil with nutrients brought up from depths that other plants normally never touch. Their strong taproot breaks up hardpan soil. This is only one of many benificial plants that has been classified under the label of a "weed", when in fact it could be a miracle food.
Is it all just in my empty head or is it true. After a frost is when I pick my buttercup squash. Let it set in garage to stay cool for a week or two. Make it up. I always think the darker ones taste better. Is there any science to this or is it a case of eating with your eyes?