Big long rain here gang and the gardens with Dirty Girt are loving it! Not so much Mrs loon with the floors after they all came in the house. Oh ya!! The T5 is brewing again.
After a week of rain I really got some weeding to do. Hopefully it's halfway dry enough to run the wheel hoe over it in the morning and than clean up the rows as I have time.
Never seen that one. Good one Looks like the Kenai area. Buddy has several pics of a calf playing in his neighbors sprinkler & mom standing in it cooling down in the Kenai Area couple years ago. Haven't seen the new calve come thru yet, every year they come by & check out the garden, seeing if I left the gate open again
I have some of this going on, it's on the top of the tomato leaves on a few of the plants, I've been spraying a mixture of water and some baking powder. What do you think this is?
We get it also woods and it sounds like Blight.
I'm sure all the rain and the colder weather promotes blight, I'll stick with the mixture of water (1 gallon) and a tablespoon of baking soda, I'll treat it again tonight and spray after every rain.
agree ,trim leaves as far up as you dare, early blight. read about dif between early and late. early can be overcome. tihs, tomorrow is Monday, have a day
Filled the rain barrel last week, 200+ gallons ready to go. Turned the hoop house into a shade house to try and keep lettuce going a bit longer. my tree guy dropped the pile of chips for free too, I'm going to be mulching lots this year.
Could be magnesium deficiency ? ? Try a table spoon of epsom salt (magnesium ) in a gallon of water & give them a bit every few days. see if they start turning dark green in the leaf veins after a few days. Tomato plant food has some essential trace elements. I add calcium (dolmite lime to the water too) to 5 gallon I mix , 1 TBS of Epsom salt & TBS of lime)
Magnesium deficiency is usually more prevalent and shows across the entire plant typically. But everything @bogeydave posted is worth a try. It looks to me like minor Aphid damage or even water spots, maybe your baking powder killed them - I typically use dishsoap mixed in spray bottle on them Never water the plant & foliage keep water at the ground/bucket. If this was a leaf from the lower part of the plant and you've been fertilizing it's just nitrogen burn
Picking beets, snow peas, and turnips now. Zucs are a few days away. Got some baby tomatoes and peppers on now too. The 3 loads of chicken manure I put on seem to be doing their job. My turnips are pretty close to knee deep.
On the left are store bought green onions I planted a couple days ago. I can't believe how fast they have grown. The tops were cut down to the bulb. The idea came from the articles on reusing kitchen scraps.