Those are three that I generally speaking do not transplant. Don't really need to as they grow pretty quick. I highly recommend at least a day in shade, or 1\2 day in the sun, then plant out.
I was interviewed for a podcast episode the other night about my $20 vacuum seeder and the episode was just released. (I'm episode 50 under the podcast section)
six packs? or rectangular boxes that you have to separate? How well established are the roots? Lettuce seedlings you want to be near root bound. Spinach and Kale are "easier" to plant from seed
I am down to about 45 gallons in the rain barrel, hoping for some passing showers! Just picked up some amish paste, cukes, squash, herbs, and peppers. Trying to wait for the new moon on Monday, but I have a feeling they will be in the ground today.
6 pack deals in those plastic trays. Don't know how well established they are... what determines good versus bad? I'm such a rookie its painful.
If you're having trouble getting the roots to come out in one piece tear the pack from the side, if there isn't enough root system established the soil will fall apart when moist. a good 6pack will have a few root tendrils sticking out the bottom weep holes, if you pull it out and the potting mix is complete root system they are past prime but need to be loosened a bit to help establish new roots These leafy greens need to be planted level
Me too, but I learn a little bit every year. I make mistakes every year, and usually try new plants/ methods each year. Next to burning stuff , being in my garden is better than anything a doctor can prescribe (imo.)
You sound like me loon , I get it ready and do all the heavy lifting, my wife does the rest, and I just say whatever you want dear, and we have that same solar sunflower led
Got the whole garden weeded and the first planting of corn in today. Got more rabbit food than I know what to do with. More corn and sweet taters go in next week.
Tomatoes are 3' high and blooming, cukes & summer squash started blooming last week. I planted one "lunch pepper" it has four peppers already set from a more established plant - not bad for a month growing time
My garden is pretty dismal right now. Onions are the only thing looking good but need to be weeded. Mators are still alive but not taking off yet.... Peppers are looking bad.... I haven't got to plant my Okra yet. So will see how this weeks weather goes....
Finally got some rain. Unfortunately it dumped for a bit yesterday, but today just off and on light rain.
Almost all of our corn has sprouted. Should be knee high by the fourth of july. Peppers seem to be doing much better than last year. The area they're in now gets a lot more sun. I planted a lot of cumin last week. Tried growing it for the first time last year and it didn't do well at all. It's getting a lot more sun as well. I use a lot of cumin and it would be nice to get it for free. We already get all of our basil and oregano for free. They're really easy herbs to grow.
We got a bit of a storm, only rain which was good... but that was my observation before it.... I'm thinking a few good warmer sunny days will be helpful for them... But will see...