I'm getting spring and winter in a 24hr period - 74F then 18 by Thursday morning Spring peepers have been singing for the past few nights I'll hold off on my excitement of getting plants in the ground for the early April frost
Almost forgot about the peepers. They get pretty loud here and should be peepin' it up here soon. Crocuses should be blooming in about 10 days. We love watching the signs of spring. Won't be long I'll be getting the tiller out and putting the snow blower in it's place. May even plant some trees next weekend.
Built myself a vacuum seeder for $20. Baking sheet, tote and some liquid nails. Only downside is even the smallest drill bit I had was still too big for seeds like kale and cauliflower. It works great for squash, chard, tomato, etc. I can sow a 72 cell flat in about 30 seconds.
There are 72 small holes drilled into the baking sheet that are spaced to line up with a 72 cell flat. You pour some seed onto the sheet, turn on the shop vac that has the tube end placed inside the hole cut in the plastic tote. You move the seed around the sheet until all 72 holes have caught a seed and then pour off the excess seed. Now you have 72 seeds lined up, held in place by the vacuum and ready to be dropped into the cell flat. You flip over the seeder, line it up with your flat and turn off the shop vac. The seeds are now ready for a little soil on top, water and off to the germination chamber. Here's a video of a pro system in action. They are around $600 new.