And I'll then proceed to enjoy my grandkids like you are yours! Saw your pics earlier in this post, and they're adorable.
A lifetime wood burner here. Burn only dry wood, keep your smoke pipe and flues clean and if you are not absolutely sure of your flue's integrity, have a reputable inspector take a look. Very cute bunch of kids!!
It's funny how one can look back at the little things. Thirty Three years ago our oldest daughter, at the time 6 years of age, brought home a 6 inch stem of wild blackberry! Well, to make her feel like she had really accomplished something, I told her to bury it half into the ground on the vacant lot below our property never expecting any results! Well that vacant lot still exists today and over the last couple of weeks we have picked 40 lbs of berries with several more weeks of picking if we choose.
Great memories, and it must be nice to forage and not have to tend to the patch. There must be a few scratch marks left to show for the work you put in. My mind has been reeling today with the possibilities with 40 lbs of berries.
We attend a First Nations Church and once a month there is a full fledged pot luck lunch and once a month a soup and buns lunch. The blackberries make for a popular dessert.
I started with about 11 three years ago. Between one being a rooster (cant have due to city limits), stray dogs, and 3 run aways, I'm down to 4. I had 4 golden laced Wydottes, 2 Jersey Giants, Red, Barred Rock, and 3 Barred Rocks/Buff Orpingtons. I'm going to start fresh in the spring with a new batch. They are fun to have around, really have enjoyed them. There are a couple a couple of Chickens threads on here, if not have her start a new thread about her chickens. We can talk chickens. I dont know a whole lot, but I do have a few pics. Enjoy...
That sucks Dave. You keep stuff growing in the greenhouse right? I put my second crop of tomatoes in 3 weeks ago. Taking a stab at it with 2 early girls and a husky cherry. My other tomato plants got whacked by some black beetles - defoliated all but 4 plants and they did it in a couple days. cukes and squash fried weeks ago
WOW, too hot the fried , I have to use a GH here to grow toms, peppers & cucs. My early girls did ok, lots of BER this year, I forgot to use plant food with calcium, got enough to eat. Brandy boy & sun gold did well. When does frost usually get your garden ? I'm guessing Nov ? Yea, the GH will get watered until it can't keep up enough heat at night to stay above freezing. 50° nights coming in now, should get the last of green beans, beets & peas in. Potatoes will need dug in a a few weeks. Still have some lettuce & celery going in the garden, pretty hardy, takes a big frost to nail them.
We usually get a light frost by mid-late October. I'm on a ridge surrounded by trees and it seems to keep my garden from getting hit. The piedmont just down the street will get frost though Peppers will actually produce quite a bit through then. Hopefully a few more tomatoes for salads, then I'll plant broccoli, it's nice to harvest that all winter.
Cleaned up the garden today. Put up another 4 gallons of green beans & threw the plants in the compost bin Pulled the dead zucchini plants (from the frost) have 2 plants that are partial alive, I hope to get a a few more zucs. Pulled the grass & weeds & sprayed hundreds of slugs with 50/50 distilled vinegar & water & watched them thenm die May get a few more peas yet. Onion & carrots yet to get in. Starting to rain again
Hate to see the frost kill the gardens. It is a double edged sword. You loose the garden, but you gain the time to move on to other things. With nature, everything has a time and place.
I pulled out the last of the tomatoes Sunday (sniff). This year has kept me hopping. Everything has produced spectacularly, even the tomatoes that succumbed to a blight did well. I think it is because we didn't have the steamy hot humid we used to get in the Mid Atlantic. Peppers are STILL coming in strong, never seen such a crop. Beans are still producing like gangbusters, Butternut squash is just about ready, and Greens are going strong. I look forward to the break in the action, as I have to be gone 12 hours out of the day during the week, so I get kind of overwhelmed. Apples should be ready next week or so, they look surprisingly good considering the late spring we had. I put in some lettuce and turnips, I usually don't plant fall crops. Not sure why I put in lettuce, since the 'maters are gone.
I put in some raisins, a little shredded cheese, maybe some cashews and call it gooder. I've been eating a lot of salad lately, sans maters. Maters make everything gooder though.