Skipped doing my garden last year. This year I decided to plant. Tilled and ready. A mix of seeds and live plants. Trying a 6 pack of brussel sprouts this year. Never grew them before. 3 toms, 3 peppers, sweet corn (never tried that before either), lettuce, cucs, snow peas, water melon and cantelope. Also planted a row of sunflowers. About 1/2 hour after finishing, it started to rain here. Good sign IMO.
We planted Brussel sprouts seeds a few weeks ago, they are ready for transplanting in potting mix now.
Three to four weeks into the spring 2022 garden and things are looking up. Squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and red roses are coming along good.
Just got my garden put in… barrels that is…. I went with 4 tomatoes…2 jet stars, 1 1 Better Boy, and 1 Florida 101… then I did 6 peppers… 2 Jalapeños, 1 Habanero, 1 sriracha, 1 ghost, 1 scorpion….
Getting a little gardening in this weekend, finally. One garden box got 4 Romas and 4 Amish Paste. One box got 6 Cherokee Purple. One box is all onions this year. One is half garlic and half asparagus. Just put in 12 more asparagus to go with the 4 plants we already had. Breaking ground on the new 40x40 bed isn't going so well with all the rain we had. We got 4-5" after i tilled it. Put in 4 Brandywine, 4 jalapeno, 4 red bell, and 4 pablano peppers. The soil was so hard i added new potting soil, composted manure, and some used potting soil from some old planters to get thing loosened up. Fence posts will go in tomorrow. My buddy is bringing a skid with auger to drill 20 holes.
Put some temporary wire fence in for tonight and sprayed rabbit and deer repellent for tonight. The animals are relentless here.
Got fence posts in this morning before the rain. Need to finish backfilling the posts. It's getting there!
It’s a little chilly today which was perfect for topping off one my wood piles, and working on one of my garden beds. This bed has three apple trees, asparagus, chive, daisy, lupine, strawberries, and a bunch of other stuff that I have thrown in over the years.
Tree looks great hov! I'm hoping to get some fruit trees in also. Hotter than the hinges of he!! here. Low 90's... Not exactly a good day to work in the garden, but we need to get things done. I cant do much in this heat, but it's getting there.
Thanks TurboDiesel. That is my favorite tree. We have had a few warm days, but overall it has been pretty cold for us so far this spring.
Yesterday i put down rosin paper along the fence as a weed stop and covered the paper with (free) tree service wood chips. Makes a nice barrier and should keep the weeds off the (soon to be installed) electric fence
The neighbor brought me 2 pineapple tomato plants today after we talked about some different varieties. She said she had one in her garden. And it was one I'd like to try. She dropped them off here and we were looking at my list of one's to try next year. She said the greenhouse had the Black Krim variety also. So now i gotta go to check out what all they have.
Got ours in for the year. Also have a separate pumpkin patch with some sunflowers along the back in another spot of the yard. This years project in progress is to replace the bench made from an old garage door balanced on two rickety sawhorses. Still in progress. And the pumpkin patch. Not much to see here yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My FIL always says he's in no hurry to get his garden in... Between the late frosts and redonculous amounts of rain we got, he thinks he lost most of his potatoes to rot. I saw frost on the way to work in Somerset one day last week. (At 2400') We were in the upper 30's twice here at home. (Then 92° 4 days later) So far, our plants have been ok.
Got the gardens in up north at the old homestead (290 miles north of western suburbs of Minneapolis) over the last two days. Snow is just now gone, with pile here and there in the shade. It was nice up there. I was working to a serenade of migrating birds, geese, and ruffed grouse drumming continually. I decided to try a tomato, but never could get any when we lived there. We had 28F the morning of June 21st one year and I gave up after that.