I just got all of my peppers and tomatoes in the ground last week. This year is a fresh start for me. New house, new raised beds, new soil, new varieties. I'm hoping for at least a moderately successful season. Three 4' X 12' beds and one 3' x 5' bed plus a handful of containers. So space is an issue... The neighbors have these monstrous white oak trees that shade out my backyard so I'm limited to a narrow strip of land in the front along my driveway. I'll make the best of it regardless.
Sorry I never saw this. I didn't want PT touching garden soil due to chemicals. I had used the pool liner on my wood stacks and had leftovers so put it to use rather than buying stuff.
Getting some rototilling done so we can plant peppers and tomatoes. 432 peppers and 248 tomatoes. Trying to beat the rain tomorrow.
All done. About an hour an a half. Also planted 1,000 green bean seeds and 2 more patches of sweet corn. I think it's just about beer:30
....finally time to garden. Last day of cold, Monday night. Big rain and sleet Sunday... now...good to go. Peppers that were started in Feb. Best batch I've ever had. Territorial Seed. Anaheim and a kind of poblano. Tried something different w/the squash. Squash do not like to be disturbed.....when planted. ...so, I took salsa/cottage cheese containers. Cut the bottoms out. Filled w/potting soil. Started the plants. To put them out, remove the lid. Set it on the ground. Pull the container up over the squash. It was much better than squeezing them out of square pots. We shall see. Winter squash w/climbing racks set. Beans, orka, lettuce, beets, potatoes in....nobody showing yet. Hope does spring eternal.
Finally got around to my garden! Tilled a few days ago and used up the rest of the landscape fabric I had. Then decided to get 4 bags of peat. Tilled them in and planted today.
We had gotten some landscaping fabric a few years back. We must have gotten the wrong kind. By the end of the summer, weeds were growing through.
Herb beds kicking in. Tomatoes off to a good start. I went to a "No Till" garden this year and weed control is definitely better.
Lots of nice gardens going on here on FWHC! Here is my early June 2020 update: Garlic is 3' tall. Asparagus fern in back are pushing 8'. Strawberry bed with 4 blueberry bushes is to the right. This bed is 1/2 carrots and 1/2 beets. Beans and radishes in foreground. Lupine, some of my 17 tomato plants, and onions with kale and some lettuces. My phone camera is not too good, but shows a bit of what I have going on in the gardens at the home right now. Next weekend my wife and I are going up to our origianl homestead up north to tend the gardens there.
hovlandhomestead do you find that the lupines get aphids and infect everything else? Lupines around here are lovely but covered with aphids.
No...thankfully, our lupine here do not suffer from aphids, or any other pests. I have ever seen an aphid in our gardens here at the house, or at our property up north.