Could you PM me the recipe? I have one more tomato picking to go. Canned 14 quarts of spaghetti sauce so far and the freezing will be less time consuming.
It's stupid easy. Blanch tomatoes in boiling water and peel. Sizzle some minced garlic in olive oil in the bottom of your stewpot. Cut up the tomatoes into the stewpot. Add a couple parmesan rinds an a bay leaf or two. Simmer until sauce is reduced to your desired consistency. Isn't this how everybody makes tomato sauce?
Pumpkin growing season is over for us. Yarded the other two this evening and plopped’m in the Day Lillie’s Turned out to be a pretty good year. Slow or late start so no really BIG ones. But these are nice shape and color. Only wish I had 3 or 4 more. P
It's been dipping to 20's & 30's overnight, more tender plants are wilting. I was thinking about trying to winter over some of the gorgeous reblooming petunias. Might be too late though without rain for weeks and low temps and not as if I have enough house plants. We'll see
The old basment door that I installed for the greenhouse last year gave up the ghost. It was an interior door and just could not withstand all the moisture it was exposed to., new door. 2x6 redwood, sugar pine window frame w/cedar casing. Repurposed glass from the old door. Joints are 2-5"x1/2" dowels per joint. Titebond III waterproof glue. Thompson water sealer. Aluminum/Vinyl Weatherstrip. Sealed and tight for another winter. Inspected and approved.
Bucket tomatoes presented some interesting surprises. The towels that were the water wicks almost completely disintegrated. Root ball was so tight was hard to tear apart. Bucket tomatoes were still putting on growth but not many tomatoes. The first year w/my greenhouse was a great success. Lots of tomatoes, beets, lettuce, some broccoli. Had a nice crop of orka through the summer. ....but, nothing lasts forever. Cleaned out the summer greenhouse. Ready for the winter greenhouse.
So with all those hot peppers, do you freeze them to preserve them or dry them? I have frozen sweet bell peppers by dicing them, freezing them on cookie sheets and then bagging them.
Picked another watermelon the other day. Taste is fantastic, a tiny bit grainy around the seeds. Could have been eaten earlier I guess. Peppers still kickin!