The German Johnsons ripened a lot overnight. The Celebrities take a long time to ripen. I picked what I had before something bad happens to them. No blight yet. I put some worms in each container when I planted them, maybe that helped.
Do you pull the ones that haven't flopped over yet ? Force the late ones over to match all the rest a week before pulling ? I've been pulling and drying when they are ready, but I have a garden not a farm. I usually put mine in the sun for a couple days but I have a lean to I can put them on a screen to dry skins further.
We pull them when 70% or better are flopped and we pull them all at the same time. Figure the others are going to flop soon enough anyway.
Um, they’re not ripe yet and still green. So I can’t say I love this time of year because I do not like the sweltering heat. But I sure do like it...
A couple of my retired friends just stopped by and took a bushel of tomatoes from 10 tomato plants. I can’t eat them fast enough.