In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

FYI, Englander 30NC on sale $519

Discussion in 'Modern EPA Stoves and Fireplaces' started by HDRock, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. bushpilot


    Feb 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Eastern Washington
    Wow, I hope she never stumbles across this forum!
    Bags, HDRock, wildwest and 2 others like this.
  2. raybonz

    raybonz Moderator

    Oct 6, 2013
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    Carver, Mass.
    That could be dangerous to someone's heath here!
    Bags, milleo, HDRock and 2 others like this.
  3. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
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    NE Ohio
    Well, here we are 28 hours later...have any confessions that you wanna make to your fellow wood stove junkies here?! :whistle:
    Bags, Eric VW, milleo and 5 others like this.
  4. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
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    Union, KY
    GUILTY! Trigger pulled and target hit. Yes, I own an NC-30 now although it still isn't here physically. I got a bit busy and haven't been able to fess up. Which reminds me to check my emails now as one should be in there. I do have an order conf. # written down.

    I have to get geared up and equipment squared away for some work starting up. I'll check back and post up. Just waiting for it to show up. However, I doubt seriously I will be hooking it up for use between now and summer. But for the price I just couldn't pass it up for $650 bucks all said and done. Especially after looking at the prices the old beat up hoopty stoves fetch on CL still.

    I guess I am ready to bust some wood again. I must be one sick individual. I do have a lot of well seasoned splits in the barn already so I'll be good to go this coming fall for sure. A big reason I bought it was now I will be totally covered in any circumstance. That is a nice feeling. Also covered another way if pellet prices start to pizz me off. I'm keeping those stoves and will use them but plan on doing a decent amount with the NC-30. Hope it is all that it is cracked up to be. I have read very few unfavorable reviews and those are likely from morons anyhow. Can't please them all.

    Now I'll be chomping at the bit so I'll use that mind set to process these piles of logs to begin building my stash for the future. I guess I got the break I needed from being burned out on wood busting. Now I will not feel pressured and let the wood beat me to death as I still have some pellet back ups if time, weather, etc; is working against me. Hope getting this new stove doesn't kick in my thoughts to do some crazy remodel work here or rearrange stuff for the umpteenth time.

    I pretty well have a plan but have tendencies to change my mind always looking to do something better. Shoot me now....

    Another note, the pup is growing like a weed. He has about doubled in size and weight.
    Eric VW, raybonz, milleo and 5 others like this.
  5. papadave


    Oct 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Right where I want to be.
    Bags , I got my 30 back in the middle of March of '14 and installed it the same day, if I remember correctly. 3-18-14.
    Our weather is different, so I was able to use the stove for 2 months after install.
    I've mentioned this before, but do yourself a big favor and make a convection deck for it (no, ESW doesn't sell one:headbang:). Helps a ton.
    Also, get the better blower for it.
    Eric VW and raybonz like this.
  6. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Union, KY
    I give her grief all of the time. She is pretty laid back and it takes a lot to tick her off. !!!!!!!! Gotta go, her she comes... LOL!
  7. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
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    Union, KY
    I have read about the convection deck and blower. Also I've seen some pics of them. I'll definitely get her up to specs. I plan on using it in an area we normally close off during winter or unless the OWB is in service. The room has radiant floors but that is the only heat in there. I plan to put a mini split in also for AC and another form of heat that could be used if needed but likely will not be much.

    Hell, by the time I get this place all squared away the kids will be gone. LOL! My stuff always comes last but I chip away at it. The fact I now have a stove for in there will help speed up things.

    Just might have to start thinking new Man Cave Area. Yeah, right! I get it all done and the mass will flood in.
  8. papadave


    Oct 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Right where I want to be.
    Um, how big is this area you plan to heat, and how well insulated?
  9. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Union, KY
    The room itself is 1,200 SQ FT wide open with 14 ft. high ceilings. No walls in there anywhere. It is a big great room / family room type of room. There are central double doors that can be opened up into the main part of the house. Plan is to install it close to where the door opening is which is central to the house sort of. I plan to heat that room and spill warm air out into the main house. I'll probably move some air with fans etc; also.

    It has a shot at doing that room and my open 2,350 SQ FT main core of the house which I have easily been doing with one P68 pellet stove the last two winters and last winter was record setting brutally cold here. I'm not holding my breath but I think I have a shot and if not I will just supplement the P68 with it and I know it will keep the big room heated.

    The walls have R-19 and ceiling has somewhere between R-30 to R-40. But, it also has a bunch of big windows and glass doors so...... I usually heat this room with my Woodmaster 5500 OWB thru radiant floor and it does well that way. I am fairly confident I have thought this out pretty well and what I plan to do will work. If not then Plan B is also there. We do not use this room much as we have another living room (where the P68 is) but I intend on doing so in the future. We used it when I ran the OWB but at that time it was not 100% finished either. More like a big romper room for the kids when they were younger and during the holidays.

    It still isn't 100% complete but not real far off. I originally bought this place for the setting and land. A dude ranch man cave deal but we decided to sell the other house and it sold real quick so Whammo!, I had to get this done so me, the wife and kids could move in so I had and still have a few loose ends to do. The main core of the place is done and we really just use that but I want to get that room 100% and still use it if I choose not to run the OWB.

    The way it all went down was I was on an out of town job site for 4 years and gone Usually Jan 2-3rd until June. We were already living here but me being gone and the wife dealing with the kids, a teaching job, and the loading of the boiler was ticking her off. The straw that broke the camels back was one morning she slipped in the ice and snow and busted her azz. Hence a new pellet stove. Now I am finished with that job and local again but I was also burned out on all of the wood it takes to feed that beast.

    The PC45 is at the opposite end of the main core and covers another area and a corridor and can supplement the P68 if I want to open that up. I am a design build contractor so it was easy for me to get out of line and go overboard. Another words, it was easy and fairly inexpensive for me to get carried away. All said and done I have too dang much space to deal with. Everything here in the house and I am over 4,000 SQ FT.

    That said we kind of rearrange and move about here as the seasons change except the bedrooms, and still primarily use the 2,350 SQ FT two levels. This is not typical construction and a one of a kind house. It can be all opened up or compartmentalized. After the kids split we plan on down sizing quite a bit. As in one level Barn-do type place around 2,000 SQ FT of living space. Sometimes I look at this place and just shake my head. Not sure what I was thinking. Just keeping up with standard maintenance keeps me overwhelmed. I'm 47 and not as motivated anymore. I bought it almost 15 years ago. But we love it out here and have a secluded place of our own. Double edged sword.

    Dave, I know I could install the new stove pretty quickly but I am also waiting for some better weather to complete some things and get where it goes all wrapped up too. I can get by without it the rest of this now shortened heating season. Next week it is supposed to climb into the 60's some but then again in another few days it could be 20* again or less. Never know around here.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
  10. papadave


    Oct 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Right where I want to be.
    Remind me to not ask you any more questions. :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
    Just kidding....that was a great response.
    I'm sure you understand that 1200 sq. ft. is close to double cu ft of a normal room with the tall ceiling. Fans?
    With that kind of insulation and in your climate, the 30 won't have a problem heating that as long as you can keep it off the ceiling.
    Looking forward to some pics of your install.
    When I put mine in, we were still getting below zero temps, so I wanted to put it in quick. Sounds like you aren't in danger of that happening.:thumbs:
    HDRock, Eric VW and Bags like this.
  11. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Union, KY
    Not too bad for a few chapters anyway. Now let me tell you about this personal problem I have......:faint::D:D:D
  12. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
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    NE Ohio
    Sounds like we need some pics :D
  13. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
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    Union, KY
    Don't hold your breath. I'll get some up though eventually. The puppy pics were taken and posted by my wife from her I Pad. So I was flirting with disaster there since she was on my site here where I say so many nice things about her. LOL! She knows I go out of my way to give her grief though like when we were at a local Ace Hardware and she was there with me when I bought a new broom. As soon as I paid I handed it to her and said take a spin and see if you like how it rides. The old guy at the check out thought it was hilarious and so did I. She just rolled her eyes.:rolleyes::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:

    Then for one of her birthday presents I bought her a muzzle at a pet store :bug:. She is a good sport. She gives me grief too. We have a lot of fun. When she does start chiming in on me I just tell her to muzzle it. :DAs long as there are no :hair: or :headbang: then it is all good.

    I'm not real computer savvy. Especially when there are technical difficulties. Something is wrong with our I Cloud and being able to transfer photos. The wife will have to figure it out.:loco: :crazy:

    The NC-30 should be here in a few days so I'll get some pics up when that arrives. Pretty sweet deal and after I take the $300 tax credit then how in the hell can you beat a new one for a cost of $350 bucks? Sweet! The only way that price is beaten would be if you live close enough to Durango and could pick it up free at the store and save $99 bucks. That would make it a $250 stove. WOW! Or about $550 or so without a tax credit for a new work horse. That is simply very hard to beat.

    I wonder why HD has them listed as a "New Low Price"? Maybe they are trying to sell them off and turn more people onto the newer "smart" versions that sit up higher and only need spark and ember protection. The way I see it is that I can use this stove quite awhile and still sell it used for what I ended up paying for it new but I doubt I ever sell it if it gives me the expected good performance and such.

    I looked and they are still on sale. I just don't get why Durango can sell them for $200 bucks less than every other HD that has them for $719. Really $719 is still a damm good price.
    raybonz, HDRock and yooperdave like this.
  14. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    NE Ohio
    Oopsie I believe...I noticed a date of 03/04/2011 on the page....:whistle:
    Huntindog1 likes this.
  15. yooperdave


    Jun 16, 2014
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    Michigan's U.P.
    Hey Bags Did HD say anything about shipping it all the way to Kentucky for $99?
    Or maybe it doesn't come from durango co?
  16. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    NE Ohio
    They ship from the factory warehouse in Madison Heights, VA....and yeah, it's $99 to most of the states
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  17. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
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    Union, KY
    Shipping is $99 and works exactly as brenndatomu said. I am pretty certain they are all directly shipped from the factory and not from any of the stores at all. Very few HD, Lowe's, etc; stock stoves from what I have seen. TSC, Menards, and some local hardware stores seem to have limited in-stock on some stoves and various brands.

    My local Lowe's had one wood burning stove in stock this year and none last year. It was actually a display on the floor opened. IIRC that floor demo was the newer taller style Madison 1,800 SQ FT stove for $749. The 2,400 SQ FT version at Lowe's is $899 but with a veteran 10% discount brings it in at $810 plus tax or about $860. So the NC-30 route I went thru CO still saved me $200 and some change.

    I went to my local HD here and the price was $719 plus tax but I could have picked it up there for free. Otherwise it would have been shipped straight to my place and still added $99. Buying thru Durango for $519 and having it shipped to your home is the cheapest route for anyone. In a nut shell Durango is $100 bucks cheaper across the board no matter how you do it including shipping.

    I guess different HD's or Lowe's stores stocking anything might vary with locale and demand, but I'd say the majority of any and all of them ship directly from the manufactures as was the case with Menards when I looked at stove's there. Most are just online with options to ship to your home or another address you want to or your local store. Most have the ship to store for free or they charge additional to drop in your driveway. The only way anyone can get the $519 and tax price is if you actually pick one up at the Durango store. I did see somewhere that a guy in CO bought at the Durango store and had it transferred to another Colorado HD store not far away and avoided any additional shipping. He said he paid $555 total.

    The Durango store #1534 is the only store offering this $519 deal. All other locations are $719. So if you buy one it is $519 plus tax and then add the $99 bucks for shipping. My total price was right at $654 give or take a dollar. I can't remember my exact price and Colorado has a strange state sales tax scheme going on. I deal with bid work for my business so I grind numbers frequently and they just jumble together. I can look and post the exact figure when I post a pic when I get it.

    So expect some good Pyro Porn soon.

    All said and done it is a deal that is impossible to beat. Especially if you can do the tax incentive of $200 to $300. It was a no brainer for me.
    milleo, HDRock, raybonz and 2 others like this.
  18. yooperdave


    Jun 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Michigan's U.P.
    I did try to have the stove shopped store to store but they wouldn't do that for me.

    Probably di it as a favor for the colorado guy and also maybe since the stores were closer together instead of states apart.
  19. Bags


    Nov 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Union, KY
    Well here is an update. Mine is to arrive Monday by the end of the day. Thought it might be here today or tomorrow but that is fine. I'm in no rush here.

    Dave, I think the buying online at Durango HD #1534 and have it shipped directly to you is the only way anyone can get the $519 price which really turns into $618 pre-tax. That is still $101 bucks cheaper than any other HD option and a very good price on this stove. These stoves are usually $900 plus from what I have seen. Then if you can take the tax credit for $300 you really pay $318 bucks pre-tax.

    I've seen where others have tried to finagle deals thru the Durango store and stuff but HD's just won't do it. I also know a guy that manages a local HD store and was in there and asked him about why it is cheaper there. He didn't have any explanation other than they might have it as a continuous promotional type price therefore they can offer it cheaper.

    He thought I was BS'ing him at first and he looked it up on the internet with me standing there. I graduated from high school with this guy and have known him for decades. He couldn't do anything for me. I went to his store a bit farther away hoping he could pull some strings or help me get one locally delivered to his store location so I could buy it for $519 there with .06% KY sales tax making it a total of $550.14 and I just pick it up there. He said that is not an option and best bet was to order online thru Durango and take the $99 shipping hit. He explained that some stores can offer different pricing on the same item for various reasons and company policy but local HD's can not price match it. If a local Lowe's or similar store in the same area had this deal then they could match it at least.

    Personally I prefer Lowe's because they offer 10% veteran discounts at all times and on top of a sale price too. HD is not as generous. HD also seems to be more difficult in general to even make them honor their own company policies. Just my experience and I used to frequent HD more in the past.

    Ultimately $99 for shipping is very cheap for something this big and heavy. When I was looking at the Drolet HT2000 thru Menards on sale for $989 the shipping on it was $300 bucks more to my house. They did offer free shipping to the store though.

    So after I kicked the dead horse for a couple of weeks this is the best deal people can get unless something changes and they discontinue the NC-30's which I do not see happening even with the newer smarter versions out there now. I think they will be making and selling these until 2020 when the stricter EPA regs kick in. Just my guess. Englander tends to keep production on proven stoves. Some of their pellet stoves and other wood stoves have not changed in a long while. Why reinvent the wheel?
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  20. yooperdave


    Jun 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Michigan's U.P.
    Here it is Sat. morning the 5th and the durango page still lists the stove for $519.
    I too thought that somewhere it was listed that the sale is over on the 4th?

    Still time.
    raybonz and Bags like this.