The end of our first season burning pellets(2000), Pellets were pretty scarce once the box stores rolled out the lawn mowers and pool supplies. About all I could readily find was horse bedding at the local feed store. This was back when everyone only burned hardwoods. So we had a better shot at getting these over the hardwoods at the time. Was told I was gonna wreck my stove. Horse bedding was my first experiences with softwoods. I've been hooked ever since.
You should invest in a company that makes rubbers the size of wood pellets...Probably be a perfect fit for you!!
Is that like a condom in today's society? How the hell does rubbers end up in a conversation on a wood burning forum??? It must be the beer.
Loaded the hopper with the Freedom Fuel. So far they look great. Look similar to Okies Platinum or Vermont's.
Honestly, I bet they are very similar. May be a tad more ash. I only have 5 bags so it may be hard for me to tell. But in should be able to ball park the ash amount.
I'm starting to wind down on my testing bags. I'm running down for Okie Gold's tomorrow so I'll toss them in tomorrow and maybe followed up by the FF over the next few days.
Interesting. Was not expecting them to have that light color. Can't wait to hear how they burn as well as the ash output.
Yup, they were very light. No signs of corn or anything out of the ordinary. Smell good, good density. Some small chips would be my only complaint but nothing major.
O thank goodness from the title I thought this was a thread about oil wars or something whew putting the whip away!