thank for sharing your slice of paradise with us. It is quite colourful and takes quite a bit of work to keep it up.
Here's a quick pic of my patio wall of plants. The hibiscus isn't flowering at the moment but everything else is going crazy. See my dwarf banana trees?
This has been a hard year for flowers. We get 4" of rain, then nothing for weeks. Since I water by hand, I can't water as deeply as the plants would like (and not sure I want to since my area is in a mild drought anyway). Most perennials are haphazard in their flowering but the echinaceas in the roadside garden are un-fazed (wish that were true in my driveway garden - but it is what it is). Sombrero Flamenco Orange Sombrero Granada Gold with a bee I can rarely get the perspective I want, and this is definitely not what I was trying for, but it does shoe the abundance of echinaceas in the roadside garden. The pinkish-red echinacea next to the Golds are Double Scoop Mandarins This is is a good perspective from the other side but the focus is a bit off from where it should be. The red echinacea in the foreground is Sombrero Baha Burgundy. American Revolution Day Lily Gayfeather (liatris/blazing star and a whole bunch of other common names) just starting to bloom and apparently this Monarch Butterfly finds it tasty. There is a white gayfeather just behind that is getting ready to start too.
A few shots around the yard. When pointing the camera up, it can't handle the light/dark contrast. So,pics get a bit washed out. I tried to avoid the sky. Looking down the side of the house, towards our screen house. Oh. Look, a glimpse of my wood racks in the distance From down in the middle of the yard Looking up, from in front of the hydrangeas And, from the screen house deck
Great pictures everyone. Summer is slipping by quietly. I'm trying to enjoy it sitting outside under the trees when I can. I'm seeing a progression of plants bloom and trees and bushes fruit and it will eventually pass by to the fall season. Here are a few pics of what we have in bloom. Rose of Sharon. The septic field wildflower patch is taking off. Doesn't look like tall weeds anymore. Well, a little. Lots of bees, butterflies and birds taking advantage of it. View out the kitchen window. Driveway side flower patch. I haven't weeded it, and I won't have time this year. I do like the informality of it Hummingbird moth on the butterfly bush.
Rainbow Rhythm day lily. If you look close, you can see pollen marks on some of the petals where I assume bees, or another insect landed before going for the goods in this flower
The rose of Sharon is in full bloom. In that same overgrown, perrannial perennial bed, are some sweet William, I think. The stargazers continue to have the yard smelling like a funeral parlor. Strong scents, which I like.
Those flowers in the middle are phlox. bogieb I'm drooling over those echinaceas! I'll have to troll the garden centers before the season's over. I've been digging up a dry patch where they would be happy. You know I like the spidery ones? I treated myself...