It looks like yours has the nice leg gingerbread also on the sides, That was with the sun door model. What a "super" find!
We're going to dinner at our oldest daughters house+granddaughter play time FISHER XL 6936 is under positive Ranger control. RLTW.
Wouldn't that be crazy, wait I'm going to. Is there any data on how many XL's were made? Will need to replace most of the fire bricks.
The "ONLY" person that I know who knows that is Coaly. I believe he has track of the numbers, mine didn't have the tag or the welded initials under it. The sun door model from what I know were "all" made in Utah. I'm not sure where else they were made but roomer has it they were made in Pennsylvania also. Coaly has some connections from retired builders and he's a store room of knowledge. I also had heard from "somewhere" that there were fewer than 1000 XL's made. your number is most likely the sequence of stoves that went out from that builder, "but" I could be "WAY" off on this. Coaly will have the best idea.
Get a reducer! 10" to 8", that way it's "MUCH" cheaper. There are many places you can get the reducer and Unless your going to be burning it "flat out" a 10" isn't REALLY necessary.
I was looking here and oh my its expensive; 10 Inch Class A UL 103HT Double Wall Chimney Pipe at
$23.50 custom made stainless. Of course the connector pipe end depends on your chimney flue diameter you're using. It is technically against code to reduce any flue pipe or chimney smaller then the stove outlet. The code was written to avoid reducing an already correct size flue. The double door Fishers were made for open door burning with oversize outlets connected to larger existing chimney flues. They all physically work fine reduced, and even baffled as long as you adhere to the square inch rule and never reduce the smoke space (space smoke travels above baffle) smaller than the square inch flue area. A proper drafting chimney of 6 inch diameter works without smoke roll in for more cubic firebox area than the XL. It looks strange, but will physically work. One example is a Grandma width X Papa depth stove known as the Great Grandma by the builder. It was not a Fisher product for sale but was made by the current owner who was a welder at Fisher Stoves South East. Cubic inch of firebox is much larger than an XL with 6 inch rear outlet. It was made to trade the original owner for the first Papa Bear made at Fisher Stoves S.E. Of course that is with an insulated chimney flue of the correct height. You need to measure pipe outlet on stove as well. The thin wall pipe was normally used for the outlet material. (1/8") This will require the large end crimped. There are exceptions when a welder cut the hole too large, and to save the piece it was handy to have some oversize pipe like 1/4" wall well casing to fill the gap. Some are a tighter fit than others and may not require crimping. Always measure. This auction is the custom maker that allows you to choose crimp in, out, both or neither. These are nice adapters.
My post above contains an error of wall thickness of flue outlet pipe. 12 gauge round with 10 inch OD was specified, but thicker walled tubing can be found. 12 ga. will have a wall thickness of .1046 inches. The flue was cut with a pipe cutter and has a thicker rolled lip on the edge, so it must be measured with a micrometer farther back from the edge.
Heres the best way in my opinion, Take the doors off and use Zip-strip paint remover, "do not sand" ! You gonna repaint them anyway if there not nickel, go that route, I gotta feeling your gonna come up with "GOLD" if you know what I mean!
No time this weekend, working on a friends house so no forward progress. Youngest daughter is 20 today so we're having a get together and outside fire. It's been raining for a couple of hours. Rum and coke take me away. Went to get the propane bottle refilled and was told I'd have to wait until the rain stopped, no lightening just rain, I'm like wth? I guess someone didn't want to go outside.