I finally decided to get a dog again I saw this boy at the rescue shelter and fell for him Shadow 115# shepard he likes the office chair he is 1yr11month old only bad thing he thinks he is a lap dog 115#on my lap is funny
A typical winter's day scene in the Buck55 house. We rescued him in 2020 and he is now firmly entrenched in my heart.
He adopted you, they have him calmed down, better go get him. Seems rescue dogs turn into loving and loyal pets
I already put a pic of Gia up but this one was so cute I had to put another. The son and I went and filled a pallet to make bundles to sell for next year. We always bring Gia. She decided this oak log was the spot. She looked so comfortable.
There's my girl Ollie when she was just a pup. She's 8 now and still hates my chainsaws. This was pre-truck... should this be in the car hoarding thread?
Our dog we rescued from a kill shelter in Texas (if they don't find a home for them) she had four puppies and three lived, all three were adopted by people in in the Syracuse area and one by a member of my family. One of her puppies is on the right in the second picture.
Yesterday, out at the lot cutting.... The one shot I had of him standing still, only because he was waiting for me to throw the ball (squeeky)
Here's Lily about 10 years ago. She's not so young looking anymore. The older dog who makes a brief appearance towards the end of the video is Emma, she is not with us anymore. She was a certified therapy dog, my other half took her around to local hospitals to visit with the patients.