This is Emma (on left) and her brother Buddy. They are seven year old Australian Sheppards, so they do help out around the house too (darned smart dogs). Weren't nothing to do today though, but to play in the snow here in the edge of the Oregon Cascade Foothills / Calapooya Mountains. Yes, we've had some snow lately.
Found her a little over a year ago. She wouldn’t let me leave her sight if it were up to her. Follows me everywhere.
This is Tucker , Black and Tan coonhound and Kaiser our English Mastiff. Tuck is 2 and Kaiser is right at 8 months , probably 6.5 in the pics. Tuck is a solid coonhound and awesome all around pet. Kaiser..... well he eats a lot and lays around, certified potlicker
Yeah he is a very athletic little hound ! I had bought some bones form the butcher and they were in the back seat. He was going crazy trying to find them !
Since the topic is actually "Firewood Dogs" I took these today while working on a load of Grand Fir on my home property. We are having some incredible weather for February! That's Emma on the left and her brother Buddy on the right.
Not firewood (milling logs) and not dog, but close enough. He's excellent at keeping mice, chipmunks, snakes, etc. out of the firewood and lumber piles.