Forgot to mention........bonus came with the delivery. The windows are sitting on a pallet that's just about 4'x8', and the doors are on one about 1/2 that size. I now have someplace to stack some more firewood! WooHoo.
Well, I haven't shown pics of the outside yet, so don't get too excited. Makes me wanna rip all the siding off and redo that too. I'll need to cobble up some outside trim, until we get to that. It's already quieter in here. Big truck just went by and the dogs didn't even get up. Not sure they heard it.
I'll be looking forward to see how good these work out for ya. Pizza too? Mmmm. I almost threw a popcorn smiley up earlier today, but I didn't want to be like that guy that always does that.
You don't wanna' be like me? I'm hurt. New bar in town has great pizza, so I told the helpers we'd have some when done for the day. I think they were ready for the end of the day after the first hour.
Really happy for you Dave. Finally something you want, not another emergency. You will like the comfort and convenience of this new windows and doors. Going from 30 in to 36 inch is rearly a must have. How anyone can move any appliance in or out with that 30 inch door is beyond me. I enjoy your updates.
Yep, moving furniture into/out of the house is a real exercise in frustration. Tears up the door stops, weatherstripping, the furniture, knuckles, etc. We had a slight emergency Sat., but all's well now, so we move on. Wife and I are getting a little break during Christmas. Nice.
Great job getting in so many in one day. They are looking good and sounds like you are already noticing a difference, even without the trim. I replaced some old double pain (alum-frame) windows last year with vinyl and I have been really happy with them - even without the inside trim done yet . Hopefully your doors go in as smoothly as your windows appear to have done.
I expect the trim may take a couple minutes or so. First is finishing the insulation, the drywall, then paint, then trim, the wainscoting, then more trim. Now that I think about it, might take a little more than a couple minutes.
Well, the help came 1:00 pm. Took us about 3 hours, but we got the new front door and the last window in. Quite a bit of time tearing out the old door frame and header, then rebuilding before the door could go in. Took our time getting the door right, as I hate when those get rushed, then don't close right. Got dark by the time I got done getting things somewhat cleaned up, so I'll put up pics tomorrow.
It seems as if every toeboard is never in the same plane when installing doors in old houses. Can be incredibly frustrating. I've recently realized the new front door I installed ~6yo the entire piece of wood below threshold has rotten out & part of the lower casing I'm going to wait until spring for a new one with completely rot free casing
This is on slab, and protected somewhat by the porch. Not much weather gets to it. The new threshold is aluminum, I believe. I need some more caulk and foam to finish up a few things. Somehow, the slab is dead on level. WTH? No shims needed, except to plumb up the jambs a bit, and of course behind the hinges and screws. Nice even "gap" between the door and jambs. Don't think I've ever put one in this well.
Glad to read of your success so far, Dave! I successfully broke a pallet slat tonite that I was standing on and managed to come slamming down on the almost 5 week old H repair Not nearly as satisfying as your day......
Are you OK? I hate sudden falls. Was once stepping across an attic opening, Didn't step far enough. I had black and blue stripes on my backside for weeks. Lucky I didn't break something. Fell 8 feet and landed hard on some wood.
Thx Larry.... I'm ok-so far. Swelled up a little at the repair site, been icing it.... We'll see how things feel tomorrow. Sounds like that fall you took(some years ago, I hope?) was a doozy!