As always, I am a bit late to the party, but to answer the question...yes I have in fact cut a shed (actually a single car garage) in half in which to move it. I have a farm and with it came a few buildings, some belonging to my Grandmother on the other side of the road. Since she is dead and probably no longer cares, I figured the cheapest addition to put on my house is one that is already built. To that end I have moved several buildings over the years, but my little tractor just would not pull the we cut it in half, pulled both ends over to my house, then stuck it back together. Eventually it will be a rec room for the girls since they are getting older and nearing their teen years. (A lot has been done since the pictures though, the siding ripped off and cedar shingles applied to make it match to the house. I am not done yet. I have a shop that we hope to move to use on our barn to make it bigger in anticipation of more sheep. That will big a big move; 24 x 48, but I think my bulldozer could handle it if cut in two.