I've definitely got Case fever now. Picked up a gorgeous amber bone mini trapper at a knife joint in Ottawa.
Way too many to list but my new favorite EDC is a Buck Rutmaster. They were on sale at Canadian Tire a few weeks ago for $10. 1/5th of the regular price....so I bought 5
I saw that on a you tube channel (Canadian Cutlery) but my local CT didn't have any in stock, so I missed out. However, I really didn't need it anyway (then again, do I really need more than one knife?)
Just picked up a nice brand spanking new Kershaw Camber. My first and (maybe so far) only AO knife. I got it at a fairly good price from a Knife Store (Kutter's) in Ottawa. I like to think of it as a baby ZT.
^^^^ One of the best "budget" knives you can buy. Super light and obviously tough and I really like AUS 8 for an EDC blade steel.
What type of sharpening systems are yall using? At the local Harbor Freight they sell a 4-sided diamond hone for about $12. it does a fantastic job for touching up an edge
I bought a two stone sharpening kit made by Smith's from Cabela's. I paid $25 bucks Monopoly money, but in real dollars, I'm quite sure you folks south of here can get it cheaper. It works great, keeps all my knives sharp enough to cut me. I should also add that I use one of my welders gloves that I use for the wood stove, to strop the knife edge. Cuts me a lot easier too.
I have a Worksharp Ken Onion edition. I use it on kitchen knives, mower blades, shovels etc. I did sharpen my Benchmade with it, but I'm not practiced enough to put all my more expensive stuff through it. In hindsight, I wish I'd have bought a Wicked Edge or KME. I scored a new blade. Limited edition (Massdrop) Kershaw Blur. Blackwash dlc in S30V.
On Sundays I switch it up and carry a Buck 55. As a matter of fact as soon as I got to church yesterday a girl I used to go to school with came up to me and asked to use my knife. she said " I asked a couple other people and nobody had one, but I knew you would have one "
Me too. So far I've been really happy with it. The sheath for my Gerber fillet knife has a sharpener built into it that does a good job on fillet knives.