In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Deal struck to legalize pot in New York

Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by thewoodlands, Mar 24, 2021.

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  1. Sourwood


    Jan 4, 2018
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    Popcorn, IN
    That is the trend. The new risk will be robberies of the growing operations. Additionally, there is still a hazard of where to place money. Feds oversight of banks make is troublesome.

    It could be as early as this year, that the politicians make it legal to make loans, etc. I have some stock in a couple MJ businesses. Should really bounce once they can be legitimate businesses.
  2. Chaz


    Jan 27, 2018
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    Southwestern NY
    Heh.. We only have a front porch, and I think you underestimate my desire to not leave my property.

    I know you were referencing the broad category of users.. so there's that.
  3. tree killer

    tree killer

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Central me
    Spot on Dave. My sentiments exactly.
  4. tree killer

    tree killer

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Central me
    I’ll just say this, I was stuck in a bed in the hospital for a week back a few years ago. Had a roommate that I’d have strangled if I could have gotten ahold of him. He was playing the game like I’ve never seen. Had a direct IV line into his heart basically. Admitted to being an “addict” telling me his life story. I really blew it off as I don’t believe in that BS. He was begging for drugs constantly, nurse would ask what his pain was and it was always 8 so I started calling him number 8 but he didn’t get it. Anything for painkillers and a high. When he wasn’t getting what he wanted he started on the “addict” thing trying to get methadone or whatever and played and played. He wanted to go home but he had a major infection, hence the IV into his heart basically, and was on constant antibiotics. He doctor saw through his act and said you’re stuck here or the IV comes out and you can kill your self without my name attached. It sickens me to keep hearing about drugs and the poor people addicted and it’s doctors faults for prescribing painkillers or they satiated on dope or whatever. I for one can say I have been so loaded with fentanyl amongst other painkillers I really don’t remember much of that day and I really don’t know the pleasure anyone can get out of it. I really, knowing how it made me feel and literally puking everything in me out, do not understand how anyone can get “addicted “ to any of it. I’ve never smoked dope and never wanted to, I chewed tobacco for 30 years and drank lots of beer and some hard stuff and that’s been plenty for me.
  5. wildwest

    wildwest Moderator

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Wyoming high plains
    My friend moved to a desert area in SoCal and is helping her son with a pot farm (she has experience), it's like a compound, tall chain link with barbed wire across the top, motion sensors all over.
    Chazsbetterhalf, WeldrDave and Chaz like this.
  6. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Here's a question I'll pose for thought; Does anyone expect to get a "Buzz" or high on 1 beer? I'll answer that, NO! I along with many folks can drink 1 beer and enjoy the taste of a beer or another beverage and not expect a Buzz. As a matter of fact, I can drink 3 cans of beer and feel nothing from it. I like the taste of beer, that simple. Now, someone explain the sense of wanting to smoke or eat pot unless you want the "BUZZ"? Does anyone take 1 toke of a joint and NOT get a buzz? I'll answer that, NO! It's all about the Buzz! If it wasn't for the Buzz, nobody would smoke pot. I have a good friend's brother who just died at 64 years old, he smoked 4 to 5 times a day, every time he got an ache somewhere he said, "Oh I'll get high and pot will cure it"! Yeah, it did!!! Lung cancer, brain cancer, and liver cancer. Yeah, pot sure cured it! Every person I know who is a regular user MUST have it at least once a day. If you said someone drinks everyday, you would call them an alcoholic, but the pot people just say there is no problem with them and it's recreational. If you're a pot user, (and as noted earlier) I could care less, Don't smoke, eat or touch it for a few days. I'll make another point here, released is a medical find the effects that smoking pot can increase your chances of heart disease by 100's fold! Marijuana also drops a mans testosterone 75% faster than a non-smoker, which can lead to many other diseases. I'm not here on to perch on a soap box and preach and I don't care if you want to smoke your brains out, GO FOR IT! But here's some local FACTS of some friends I knew. All these men and women were avid pot users, High school buddy, 49 Dead pancreatic cancer, best friends brother, dead 64 many cancers, friend I grew up with, dead, 53 brain cancer, X-Sister in-law, heart disease, triple bypass, diabetes. emphysema 61, old hunting friend, 2 heart attacks by age 50, double by-pass. None of the friends I've had that were non-users haven't had issues as described. Coincidence? I don't think so... Don't take my word on it, do your own research. Health Effects | Marijuana | CDC
    You can call me an @$$HOLE all you want, I have thick skin! But as stated, I could care less what people do if your a grown adult, sadly kids and even PRE-Teens are getting into it now!
  7. billb3


    Oct 7, 2013
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    SE Mass
    I pretty much don't believe anything I see in the "news".
    Too much blatant lies, distortions and political propaganda.
    Advertising figured out how to manipulate your buying tendencies and now the major news outlets are applying the same techniques.

    I never had much tolerance for alcohol and same with the herbal cigarettes - I fall asleep. Seems like a waste of $$$ to me. Plus after about 5 minutes of getting buzzed on either I've had enough and want to shut it off - and can't, so I'll pass.
    Chazsbetterhalf and WeldrDave like this.
  8. woody5506


    Nov 28, 2017
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    Upstate NY

    Dave, to an extent I agree and I bet we'd both agree that we have no issue at all with peaceful people who engage in what they want to engage in so long as no harm is done to anyone else. I do however believe most of your instances are things occurring here under current drug laws and prohibition. In other words the laws don't exactly work, but I also would say that doesn't mean we just "legalize crime" but I would think we need to look at what's considered a crime. I hold the opinion that no victim = no crime. Obviously yes addiction will and does cause people to rob, steal, even kill and yes those are certainly crimes and need to be punishable, but the action of using a drug doesn't fall into the category of crime in my opinion, much the same way prostitution shouldn't as in *voluntary* action between *consenting *adults is morally justified. Whatever crimes arise from such activity would be dealt with accordingly. As it stands today, police have a job where they have way too much responsibility to uphold in which practically everything is a crime now in some way or another. I read recently the average American commits numerous felonies a day without even realizing it. What this implies again is we live in a time where "everything is a crime"

    It's a lot to pick apart. You say that it never stops with people just having a joint at home and staying put, or having a few beers and staying put, or basically those things always lead to something worse. I really disagree, but you're right that there's plenty of people where that's true. And again, the laws don't stop them, because the laws don't work to prevent these things which is my whole point. It's a gigantic waste from many different angles, it puts law enforcement in grave danger, and it puts users in more danger when gangs or cartels have as much power as they do because there is and always has been and always will be such a huge demand for drugs.

    I don't do drugs and never have. I was practically straight edge up until my mid 20's now I love craft beer (yes in fact just one a night!) So please don't take my pro legalization of practically everything as me being a drug use advocate. I'm unabashedly pro freedom in every regard that allows us to live peacefully and voluntarily in any way that does not infringe on the natural rights of others.
  9. woody5506


    Nov 28, 2017
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    Upstate NY
    And just for fun I'll play devil's advocate here and say I get buzzed from a single high abv beer almost nightly!
  10. Eric Wanderweg

    Eric Wanderweg

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Bristol, Connecticut
    Careful there woody5506 you’re starting to really sound like one of those *dangerous* Libertarians that wants to break the status quo and get back to the roots of the founding fathers :yes:
    Softwood, WeldrDave, Ron T and 3 others like this.
  11. Chazsbetterhalf


    May 18, 2018
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    "Every person I know who is a regular user MUST have it at least once a day. " Sorry Dave, have to disagree with that. I have been smoking for a long time. I have never had a craving for it where I had to have it. There is a possibility that family history could have played a part in there heart attacks, diabetes, etc. Can't throw it all on pot.
    MikeInMa, Ron T and Chaz like this.
  12. Chud


    Aug 15, 2020
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    Heart disease is the leading cause of death and mcdumps nuggets are still legal.
    I got buzzed on 2 beers. The problem was I drank 16 more chasing the 2 beer buzz. Lol
  13. Eric Wanderweg

    Eric Wanderweg

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Bristol, Connecticut
    As someone who used to smoke a ton of pot in my younger years, I have to ask: Did you ever stop for any amount of time and go through mild withdrawal symptoms? I remember years ago when I stopped for a month to pass a pre-employment drug screen, I was irritable for a couple days then fine afterwards. Then eventually I quit more or less for good and never experienced a single craving. To this day I think of it kind of like apple pie. Nice to have, not really missed when gone.
  14. Eric VW

    Eric VW Moderator

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Mostly same, here.
    And as for murderous behavior- I know I
    murdered more than one box of Girl Scout cookies back then... and when I quit I didn’t even remotely feel anything other than normal.
    Softwood, Chaz, WeldrDave and 3 others like this.
  15. Eric Wanderweg

    Eric Wanderweg

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Bristol, Connecticut
    From my own experience it was almost impossible to get thrown into even a mild temper tantrum when stoned. I can remember being frustrated at times (who ate the last of the.... !?!?) but there were no Jerry Springer moments.
  16. Eric VW

    Eric VW Moderator

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Exactly... and not partake for a week or a month... not even an issue.
    Chaz, WeldrDave and Chazsbetterhalf like this.
  17. Chazsbetterhalf


    May 18, 2018
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    Nope. When I was raising my kids I didn't smoke much. But once I got divorced and moved back here, I was close to daily. When we go out town, I leave it home.
  18. Chazsbetterhalf


    May 18, 2018
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    Chaz and Ron T like this.
  19. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    To be fair, (I) understand not EVERYONE is the same. I was generalizing in essence, but they were the facts (I) came across. I have a person who I associate with now who will NOT go a day with out it! He says it helps his nerves, but he's; Never been to war, never been in the military, never held a job more than a year, lives with mommy or his sister when ever he get's kicked out of mommy's house, drives a P.O.S. Ford escape with 3 different size tires and BUMS money from everyone he knows, (BUT ME)! The only reason I even associate with this guy is he helped my Father years back when I was away in the military and my Father was in his 70's then, he came over and cut the grass when it was hot out and a few other things.
    I've tried to get him of the stuff but, IT AIN'T HAPPENING!!!
  20. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey

    So why even smoke at all then??? :confused: Am I right that it's all about the Buzz? I'm Not at all trying to be mean or sarcastic, I just want to know: What is the attraction?
    Chazsbetterhalf and Chaz like this.
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